I need to vent... - Comments

  • Macabre Demon

    Macabre Demon (100)

    United States
    I apologize if you would not like random people posting in your journal, but I do see where you are coming from. I know it can be hard giving out advice all the time, and multiple times I've been fed up with people coming to me for everything, like I am some type of godsend. People really need to make their own choices. It is lovely to get advice, but not constantly. And letting it bring you down constantly isn't going to make matters better. It is nice to hear the opinions of others, but you must always make decisions yourself because only you, yourself, knows what to do.

    Tell them that and there is no way nothing cruel will be said or you will ruin anything at all. Just tell them to follow their heart and do what they think they need to do.

    I hope this helped somewhat. Although it came from a completely random person that you've never even heard of. xD

    Anyway, hope you are feeling better.

    Macabre Demon
    October 4th, 2008 at 03:04pm