College Essay - Comments

  • Stray Dog

    Stray Dog (200)

    United States
    I would talk less about your love for music, and more about your acheivements. Colleges want to see what you have accomplished, and that you can get things done. If you have any academic awards, I would mention them, also.
    October 28th, 2008 at 03:40am
  • Dancing Caveman

    Dancing Caveman (450)

    United States
    If I was a college admissions person, I wouldn'taccept you for one reason: "Even though math is part of my passion, you can’t categorize me as a math geek either. I never joined the math team, or any scholastic bowl type clubs."

    Don't EVER say something like that to a college. You don't go to school for singing, being in Girl Scouts, or skiing. You go to college to learn. If you didn't join an academic team, then just don't mention it. Letting them know that you didn't join so you could go do things that didn't have anything to do with learning is bad. Just... leave that section out.

    And if you have ever done any community service, let them know about that. Let them know about any and all academic achievements and awards. You have to brag and show that you are intelligent enough to handle a college education.
    October 5th, 2008 at 11:53pm