• AJDWriter

    AJDWriter (100)

    United States
    Okay, this is going to be interesting, lol. I have long, wavy brown hair. I have this fetish with dying it all the time. In the past it's been red, purple, black, and even orange! I have green eyes that sometimes look blue depending on what I'm wearing. I have two piercings in each ear. I hope to eventually get a nose ring and a stud in my left ear...snakebites, maybe, lol. I'm about 5'5 and love wearing heals. I dress however I feel, meaning it can be all black one day and then colorful the next. I'm actually content with my rather large boobs (DD...I think, lol) and totally love showing them off (but I'm not a slut, hehehe). I'm a pretty easy going person, but will definitly get into a fight if someone threatens my friends. I laugh A LOT even if it's crude or not even funny. I like to tease's fun, lol. I have a fish tattoo on my right wrist and a rose on my left ankle. There's also a thorns and cross tattoo on my right shoulder blade as well as the words Army Brat on my lower back. I also have this thing for older guys...I think it's a maturity thing, idk. Haha, I guess I kinda wrote a lot.
    October 17th, 2008 at 12:15am
  • Chanandler Bong

    Chanandler Bong (100)

    United States
    Andrea is going to be Zacky's girlfriend, sorry alimae, :/
    October 16th, 2008 at 06:08pm
  • scream queen.

    scream queen. (100)

    United States
    Alrighty, um...I have brown hair and eyes. I'm 5"3', yea I'm short. I'm average build. Got my ears pierced twice on each ear. Belly button. And hopfully soon snake bites. I'm bi-polar. Happy one minute, mad the next. As you already know, I'm funny! I love making people laugh and helping them with their problems. I love having fun and going to parties. I have unhealthy obsessions for: accents, tattoos, piecings, muscles, lip gloss, and horror movies. That's all I can think of at the moment, but if you need anymore. I will be more than happy to let you know.
    October 12th, 2008 at 10:41pm
  • FallenIce

    FallenIce (100)

    United States
    Okay, I'll just describe myself hereee!
    Alright well, white blonde hair with blue and orange streaks randomly in it. It's short and in many spiky tufts. About 5'1 (yes I'm very short haha) My eyes are blue with a gold ring around the middle, but they darken when I'm sad or angry. I have an obsession with orange nail polish, and zebra stripes. Average build, got arm muscles. Ears are pierced once on each, with a nose ring, and a side lip ring (on the left). I'm very hyper unless I'm sad or angry. If I'm sad I try to hide it, but my best friends can see right through me, if I'm angry I get very loud and walk off to blow of steam so I don't insult anyone, unless they are insulting my friends then I'm up in their face. I'm also opinionated, sarcastic, tough, outgoing, a thrill seeker, and I'm up for challenges. I can be very loud around my friends but can be quiet when needed. Oh, I never wear anything but chucks. Unless it's to the beach then I substitute with flip flops. That's the only exception haha. I hope that helped. Let me know if you need anything else!
    October 10th, 2008 at 05:18am
  • TwistedIllusions

    TwistedIllusions (100)

    United States
    Oooh. Ok. I shall describe myself right here. = ) I've got black hair, brown eyes, I'm 6 feet tall, average build, I'm into the whole punk/goth style and I have a belt obsession. my ears are pierced three times on each side(first two gauged to an 8) my cartelage is pierced on the left and my lip on the right. I'm loud, outgoing, opinionated, sarcastic and a partier. sometimes I'm really bossy. = ) Hopefully this is enough and it helped.

    October 9th, 2008 at 10:29am