I Really Need Some Help and Advice...Please? - Comments

  • Kissyy

    Kissyy (100)

    United States
    Ever try talking to him about his feelings? Have you said anything to him about how you feel? He can't read your mind so he doesn't know what your thinking so tell him, if he says he doesn't care then why the hell you with him?!? Theres what about....a BILLION Men out there probly more. Don't stick to him if he said he doesn't care. I don't know the whole story or how he is but this is what i can offer you. If he can't read your mind you got to tell him your feelings, he could care.
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:29am
  • Tasha.

    Tasha. (100)

    United States
    I agree with the song being for new moon.

    Anyway, the eastiest way(to me) to 'put the walls back up' is to slowly get him out of your life, or how ever 'far away' you want him. Like you could stop hanging out with him, don't pick up his phone calls, and just start to ignore. (to me when you do it slower it helps you just forget, I'm probally not making sense.)
    See I had this problem with a guy like this too, and I just did what I said. It worked for me.
    Sorry if I didn't help.
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:03am