The "Porning" of our culture - Comments

  • The Gunslinger: My username is an inside joke. :) It doesn't refer to "skanks" in the common-known term at all.

    You'd think people would be smart enough by now to not go by usernames. The user "porn" has the same problem. Don't make assumptions, darlin'.
    October 15th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • I totally agree with you, when I hear of people having sex just to have it it makes me sick. Sex should be because you love someone and could imagine yourself with them forever.

    As for girls who dress slutty, well guess what? Most of them are SLUTS. It doesn't matter if you look like Angelina Joile, when you promote yourself like a slut, you will be treated like a slut.
    October 13th, 2008 at 02:13am
  • thank you
    October 10th, 2008 at 10:36pm
  • I love rap personally, I love Eminem and Snoop Dog, but I agree most of it is about money and "bitches"....

    People I don't think you really read the point of this journal, well some of you, I feel he has a point, I made a journal about this and I'm glad he referred me here. I think that it isn't special to have sex just to have sex, it should be with someone you love, and when you're that young you don't know what love is.

    Besides the ones having a lot of sex, are the ones doing it to fit in and be accepted, not because they claim it's love or anything. I feel they shouldn't be wearing hoochie clothes whether they've got it or not, what ever it means to "have it" when they're like 14 and younger, because when you're that young, you have NOTHING besides producing body parts...

    I don't know about the whole arguement with the reason they do it is to get mens attention, but I can say that does play a big role in it, they want guys to look at them and get attention from people to make themselves feel better. Also they want to look good for themselves also, they feel being a materialistic girls means that they're beautiful but they really have no idea it doesn't make them beautiful at all...

    Have some morals people, be glad to be young, and only grow up when you have too... k?
    October 10th, 2008 at 09:35pm
  • I couldn't actually be bothered reading the whole article... it's 2:30am, gimme a break. But I get what you're trying to say and I agree.
    Although I have to ask, is 'Pornification' a real word? And how acceptable would it be to use in everyday conversation? I think I may use it more often.
    October 10th, 2008 at 03:37pm
  • this coming from someone who calls herself Skank.
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:42pm
  • That's your opinion.

    Not everything we do is for guys. It's not always about attracting men. Girls dress up however makes them feel good, go out and have a good time. Sure, some girls are slutty. But that's their choice. If that makes them happy, so be it.

    And will someone please tell me why sex is such a "terrible" thing? You were conceived through sex. It exists everywhere. Kids are exposed to it at a younger age because sex education is taught younger. It is not some horrible taboo thing that needs to be hidden from children. It's a fact of life. Just because they know about it, doesn't mean they are going to go out and have it.
    October 10th, 2008 at 02:07am
  • well these so called girls who flaunt it, because they have it. who is that going to attract to them? the shallow guys who want nothing more than what they're advertising. If that's who they're trying to catch with it fine. but I'm not going to go up to someone like that and try and make something happen. I'll prolly start with the girl in the corner, she's probably more interesting.
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:52am
  • I would type out a big long reply, but I think it's just easier to say I agree with what Dancing Caveman said.

    That article is major tl;dr. Bullet points would be nice. Smiley

    And I'd just like to put it out there: Some girls dress what you call "slutty" and flaunt it because they have something to flaunt. It makes them feel good about themselves. It's about self confidence. You really need to learn to look past the "blonde bimbo" stereotype, darlin'.
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:33am
  • OOH! I red the article. My dad does what the guy in the article did with my step siblings. He calls the Bratz dolls hoochie mama dolls and gets them Strawberry Shortcake stuff.
    October 10th, 2008 at 01:02am
  • I read it, I just think it's dumb. If parents are so worried, then they should do what that guy did- not buy the shit for his daughter. We have ratings for specific reasons- don't let your damn kids watch shows which showcase sexually explicit material. Don't buy your kids slutty clothes.

    And as far as boys being let down by porn-driven fantasies? That's been talked about by Freud and Lacan. Both psychologists argue that copulation is traumatic because of fantasies experienced during masturbation. Society is STILL fine. It's not like the little boys are all of the sudden going to think that sex is horrible.

    Oh wait... I just looked at your Obama journal. No wonder you're so bent out of shape over retarded shit. You're a conservative. Figures.
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:56am
  • did anyone read the article? prolly not...
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:44am
  • sweet jesus people, i actually can appreciate some rap, Eminem, Beastie Boys, some Fort Minor, idk. i'm a bit taken back at how all of these respones are about rap, which is not what this journal is about. there was one bit of a paragraph about rap. if this trend in the comments keeps up, i'll edit my journal and fix this. goodness
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:44am
  • 1- Rap is not all about objectifying women, getting laid, and making money. There is a lot of good rap out there.

    2- Not all girls who dress slutty are just stupid... just like not all people who dress in black are school shooters. It could be for attention, and you know- maybe they're not getting the type of attention they wanted at home. Not everyone is a spoiled kid who just wants to dress slutty for sex. Hell, most prostitutes don't fuck strictly for sex; they do it to make money.

    3. I agree that having casual sex is wrong, but that's just my opinion. If someone enjoys sex, that's what they like. We're beings of pleasure. If people want to have sex- let them. Worry about yourself and leave others to their life.

    If you don't like rap, don't listen to it. If you don't like girls who dress like sluts, stay away from them. If you don't like casual sex, then wait.
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:28am
  • Not all rap is horrible. *and this is coming from a girl who grew up with 80's music*

    Try Northern State, The Beastie Boys... anything like that. I like a few Missy Elliot's songs, a few songs from artists I never thought I would ever like. Not all rap is horrible, you just got to find a good artist with a good sound to blow your perception away.
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:19am
  • ummm this post was not at all about rap being a sucky genre...
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:15am
  • All the rap I've heard is about trying to make this world a better place and the struggles people have to face. To be honest, I think the "get women and making money" stereotype is blown way out of porportion. And rap can be good.

    I'm starting to get a heck of a lot more respect for different genres than I did before.
    October 10th, 2008 at 12:12am
  • Actually, I've just found a new respect for rap. I still don't like it, but this aspiring rapper guy who sits next to me in Business Tech freestyled for me one day. It was about how the world needs to change, like ending poverty and stuff like that. I mostly just don't like the background music.

    My friend had sex when she was fourteen I told her not to do it with him because they'd end up breaking up someday and that she was just too young. She ended up doing it and lost a whole bunch of respect from me and also lost a few friends.
    October 9th, 2008 at 11:58pm
  • "Mostly because 90% (made up statistic, although probably true) of rap is nothing more than the objectification of women and promoting nothing more than getting laid and making money."
    You forgot drugs and murder.

    I say fuck rap.
    Bob Marley for the win.
    October 9th, 2008 at 11:48pm