The Truth on Obama 2.0 - Comments


    go to the link plz thnx
    October 17th, 2008 at 08:26pm
  • I'm going to say this really quick: most of the stuff going on with the US is not Bush's fault.

    Wait, hear me out. Bush has to ask Congress first what the states want to happen to have anything approved, so really blame the Senate and House of Representatives. So you know, Congress go around and ask people from the states they represent, what they want to happen. Bush is just the person everyone blames when stuff goes wrong. But, he is still at fault.

    If you don't believe me, go back to 8th grade social studies. I just learned this last week.

    And most likely people will just vote for Obama because he is black. Just like people will only vote for McCain because of Palin. If I was of voting age, I wouldn't know who to vote for.
    October 15th, 2008 at 11:21pm
  • marionette, I agree with you... lol...
    October 15th, 2008 at 10:01pm
  • its cool, you made some great points
    October 15th, 2008 at 02:21pm
  • "having to put your godd*mn head over the F*cking thing...."

    Should be HAND.
    October 14th, 2008 at 11:53pm
  • "...Number two: Right. He's evil because he wants to give women a choice? Wow. How cruel of him, to want babies to be born into loving homes...."

    What you don't get is, is the fact that abortion shouldn't be allowed.

    I, like the next female teenager, is, of course, wanting to grow up and have children one day: in all honesty, who doesn't?

    But once you get teens who become pregnant at such young ages and are having sex almost every night because they think that it's America -- "and they can"

    Truth is, is that if you legalize abortion, this WON'T stop heartless mothers from being pregant; knowing that they have it and knowing it could be accesible will only have the numbers INCREASE.

    If it's a life and you KILL IT, I have news for ya --- It's Murder.

    "..That's absolutely ridiculous to even base your whole opinion on that one gesture because honestly, it's a choice ..."

    Whenever you are RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, it's not a choice.

    If you can't put your f*cking hand on the flag of your country, why the hell are you running?

    "...Do we really want another Bush in office screwing everything up?..."

    And yet, Democrats hate it whenever we catagorize them.

    Let me set this clear:

    McCain DOES NOT EQUAL Bush

    Both have different stands, beliefs and capabilites.

    Thought I'd point that out.

    "...I can get videos and quotes and interviews for you, which show that he is a wonderfully patriotic citizen of the US, but come on..."

    Make sure the American Flag is nowhere near him.
    Shame for him to actually have to put his right hand over his heart....

    Believe me Liberals: I GOT IT.
    Damn American flag --- having to put your godd*mn head over the F*cking thing.
    I get it. Damn it.
    Don't they get he's the running canadite for the democratic party?
    Damn that flag.

    October 14th, 2008 at 11:04pm
  • Really if I COULD vote, I wouldn't this year.
    October 14th, 2008 at 12:05am
  • Warning No Diving: Good point they lie, but I mean at least pay attention to what he believes in that will make Democratics want to vote for him and Republicans switch to him...
    October 13th, 2008 at 11:25pm

    Obama is similar to your hated Bush. inform yourselves, follow that link
    October 13th, 2008 at 10:59pm
  • yes we are fucked both ways, but one way is going to sting a lot more than the other, and you're prolly gunna get some in your eye too
    October 13th, 2008 at 10:22pm
  • =D really I don't care what ETHER candidate has to say.
    October 13th, 2008 at 10:16pm
  • I agree with the Gunslinger... Poor people, y'all aren't even caring what he's saying, don't try to lie to us. all you care about is his skin color, just like McCain brining a female into play, he only did it to win more of the female side...
    October 13th, 2008 at 08:34pm
  • McCain and Palin focusing on the upper class? i think not, it may just seem that way because all Obama talks about is the Middle class. Obama is going to heavily tax the upper class and big buisinesses. what will that do i wonder? it will certainly NOT help the economy. it will only cause big businesses to raise their prices, fire people, and perhaps move abroad. definitely not good for the economy. taxing big businesses won't help anything.

    no, i don't think Obama is anit american, but i think that you need to be patriotic to be president. if the country isn't his favorite thing in the world, how will that effect him? it seems to me like he is his favorite thing in the world.

    you just wait, he'll probably win because of ignorant people who share your blurred ideas, and when he does go ask your dad if he is paying more taxes, if the economy is getting better, if he feels safer....

    God help us
    October 13th, 2008 at 02:39pm

    I'm NOT racist but really come on.... think about it.

    and if he does win I feel sorry for him, because do you guys understand how many prejudice people are out there in the US?
    all I'm saying is I hope he packs more bodyguards in

    best of luck to both of them.
    October 13th, 2008 at 11:15am
  • "Number one: Obama does not hate America. If you want, I can get videos and quotes and interviews for you, which show that he is a wonderfully patriotic citizen of the US, but come on. Those videos come from FOX News. They're not exactly "fair and balanced".

    Number two: Right. He's evil because he wants to give women a choice? Wow. How cruel of him, to want babies to be born into loving homes.

    Why does the president always have to be the most patriotic motherf*cker in the country? How does that make sense? You don't have to love something to fix it. I don't love my bicycle but I still make sure there's air in the tires."

    Excellent point!
    Couldn't of said it better myself, Man in The Blood.
    October 13th, 2008 at 11:08am
  • Mad in the blood: I understand about him wanting to give women a freedom of choice, but the whole partial birth, c'mon dude that's a bit too extreme right there, becuase now the child isn't just a parasite it's actually born...

    Honestly do people know the meaning of patrionic anymore? There's a bit difference between a bike and a country, if you don't know that then go back to school and lay off the internet...

    Bringmoreknives: I never thought of it that way, but I'm a relative of Hitlers... :/ I don't hate Jews lol....

    Geesecks: I can assure you people don't think of him as a democratic, it's more of his skin... lol... Do people know that if he becomes president that our taxes will be raised? IDK bout you but we have too much to fucking pay for, we don't need more added onto it...

    the camera's lying: Did you know all he's going to do is start taxing us even more, I think that's doing more damage than good, and our schooling has gone down because parents don't get in their childrens lives anymore. So many kids are wanna be gangbangers, don't blame that on our gov't because as far I know they don't pull me out of school and force me not to learn, no they're forcing kids into school and wanting them to learn, so that arguement there isn't accurate because kids back then wanted to learn and weren't lazy like we are now and that's because parents aren't taking control of their kids lives... As I've said previously...
    October 13th, 2008 at 10:45am
  • "Obama says he wants to tell Americans what he “believes would make this country great” to show his patriotism, but from what I can hear, he hasn’t yet."

    That just says it all. Obviously Barrack Obama cares about the country, let's be serious now. The reason for all his plans, all his thoughts, everything he has been working toward in his campagin has been to change America because let's face it: America has an economic crisis on their hands. For God's sake, sometimes, I'm not even proud to be an American because did you know that we used to be the country that had the best schools and the best lifestyle and all the other European looks up to us? Now, our schools are falling and our enconomy is completely shot. This is a complete direct result of Bush and his stupidity. You can believe or support what you want to believe, but we don't need McCain, who has, may I point out, voted with Bush half or more of the time on things. Honestly! Do we really want another Bush in office screwing everything up? it's my belief that Obama has done nothing but support our country and try it make it better. Everyone is all too proud to realize that we have a crisis on our hands and it's the Americans fault and we're not perfect. We're really not and all McCain and Palin have done is ramble on and on about how they're going to find victory in the war and lose more lives and only focusing on the upper class. McCain, although I do respect him immensely, needs to relook at what he's doing and what he is supporting and who he elected to be his poential vice president because honestly, a man who elected Palin to be their vice president, is completely ridiculous and that just says it all for me that I don't want neither of them running this country.

    And another thing, for God's sake, are you freaking serious about Obama not putting his hand over his heart for the National Athem and that makes him "Anti American" ? That's absolutely ridiculous to even base your whole opinion on that one gesture because honestly, it's a choice and your opinion on him shouldn't be whether or not he put his hand over his heart during the National Athem. It should be about changing what we did wrong and his ways, in my opinion, are completely more superior than McCain's and ESPESICALLY Palin's.
    October 13th, 2008 at 10:31am
  • here is something someone else posted on a different website where i was discussing this stuff:

    That is a start. Obama claims that "Most" small businesses will not be affected by his tax increase, but what he is hoping you dont realize is that he is counting everyone who sells a widget on E-bay as a small business. The businesses that create jobs in America will be hammered under his plan. Marginal tax rates at 39 - 50% do not stimulate growth.

    In this one he suggests raising the cap on social security tax

    He wants to raise the capital gains tax, re-institute the death tax and what he never says is that all of the increases that are generated for those evil businesses will either be passed on to the consumer as price increases or, those corporations that can will pull up stakes and move to another country leaving higher unemployment behind.

    Government does not make jobs, it creates dependency and Sen. Obama has no interest in growing the economy, only in growing the government.

    He lies as well. He says 95% of working families will get a tax break. Ummmm senator.... 45% of working families do not pay taxes at the moment. You cant get a break on something that you have not paid for, unless he is hinting that he will take more of the money those of us who do pay taxes pay and redistribute it. He doesn't like to be accused of redistributing wealth because everyone knows that that is a solidly socialist goal. He is a socialist, a economic neophyte, and capable of creating enormous economic hardship in this country in his first four years.

    Thats about taxes. if you want to know how he'll fuck up our healthcare system read my other journal
    October 13th, 2008 at 06:56am
  • Bush is a republican*

    typo. Got carried away there. lol

    Oh, and the president should be patriotic, because he's running the freaking country. That's like asking why the Pope should be Catholic. :file:
    October 13th, 2008 at 05:49am
  • I agree with you so hard. You're so right, but people are so incredibly brainwashed to think that because he's a democrat that he will be so much better than Bush. What they don't realize is is that he will make things ten times worse than they've ever been. People are just so.... ignorant to the truth.

    "He's a democrat and I hate rebublicans because they don't like gay marriage or abortions. Oh, and Bush is a democrat." --- the attitude of the youth on politics.

    How little they actually know. If they actually knew the real agenda of the Democratic party, they'd change their minds really quick. :file:

    October 13th, 2008 at 05:42am