I need advice! - Comments

  • Make him pick, especially before going to his house to stay a week. no one deserves being in bad relationships, but it happens. and if he finds it more comfortable to be with someone he doesnt love more than anyone else, than maybe you should reconsider him. he doesnt sound worth it if he cant choose between happiness or misery. going to his house and ending up doing something would probably cause a lifetime of regret, and a bad mark on both of you. he should decide what matters most to him, and you shouldnt go stay with him till he does decide. i'ts not worth being used and forgotten. as for your cheating ex and his pregnant psycho, i think staying away from them seems only right.
    October 15th, 2008 at 01:53am
  • I can't really tell you, because I don't know him and all. But I would say he likes you, if you guys talk that much and things. Sounds like it to me!! ;)
    October 15th, 2008 at 01:28am
  • Hey. =-]
    I think he cares a lot about you, atleast as a sister or more. You should plan on telling him your feelings, get straight to the point, and don't stray from the subject. I mean, didn't you say he knows and that it's obvious? So don't waste time! He seems like a sweet guy and will understand... Well, this probably didn't help a lot O.o; Sorry. Heh. And be ready for change if you ever do tell him.
    October 14th, 2008 at 12:25am
  • Well, from what I'm reading, I think he likes you back. But don't trust my advice too much, I've got too many guy problems as it is. But I think he does.
    October 14th, 2008 at 12:20am
  • The best thing to do is talk to him one on one with NO distractions and be really clear, specific, and straight-to-the-point about it. Beating around the bush just loses people's concentration on what you're really trying to say.

    Like the person below me said, it sounds like he really does care about you. Just generally be ready for any kind of change.
    October 13th, 2008 at 10:40pm
  • Hey, im Shelby.
    It sounds like he could like you, but he may not.
    Does he know how you feel? If so, talk to him, explain that your sorta confused, and see what he says. his girlfriend doesnt sound like a great girlfriend to be honest, and its obvious he at least cares about you.
    Just talk to him, and make sure no matter what happens you two stay friends. Your obviously good friends anyway. Just make sure you dont lose that.
    October 13th, 2008 at 08:32pm