Abortion?????? - Comments

  • i dont know if your still writing the report but my opinion is that it should be the mothers opinion on if she has a abortion or not. regardless of the child or the situation she is still the person who has to give up nin months to carry the baby its her body so her decision. i dont agree with it but i would never out a person down for it. a girl should never abort a baby out of selfishness though.
    October 29th, 2008 at 07:23pm
  • well at least you admit that you're not a good person lol
    October 17th, 2008 at 08:36pm
  • Actually an unborn child can scream, at a certain level in the pregnancy, look up the "Silent Scream". But honestly if someone was murdered, I'm cold hearted, I don't let it affect my day unless I knew them... I hate knowing there's a muderer on the loose, that's pretty much it when I hear someone was murdered...

    They already have a cure for AIDs, I know they do or else Magic Johnson wouldn't be healthy right now, some how he "cured" himself or some crap like that... So yeah... I don't know, I don't care, it's their child they don't want that hasn't even breathed a first air of breath. I'm a monster, but I stick to what I feel, and wont change it just to make people happy and to avoid confrontation...
    October 17th, 2008 at 08:26pm
  • for all we know the guy who cured cancer has been aborted, or someone who would move the world towards peace, or the person who would find the cure for the common cold. or any number of things. perhaps those people were aborted. thats how it effects me.

    so i guess, Squirrely, you don't mind when you hear that someone got murdered, you're just like "oh well, i didn't know her." bat even that is different. because if i go murder some guy next door that isn't nearly as evil as murdering an unborn child. an unborn child is the most innocent defenseless thing in the world. it can't even scream. it depends on its mother to survive, and then she goes and throws it in a garbage can.
    October 17th, 2008 at 12:56pm
  • Holy crap the Gunslinger that's freaking crazy point you have there!!! lol... That was a great ass point actually, lol... ^_^
    I make people sick all the time, with my views, but honestly I don't care. I mean how does it affect you if someone has an abortion? If anything it brings down the population of humans, because everyone knows we're becoming over populated... Unless it's not someone that could be your family member, how would it affect you if some fetus was killed? It sickens you yes, but what would it do to your life?
    October 17th, 2008 at 12:48am
  • i'm leaving now. some of you people make me sick. sorry, trixie_crisse, but i think i'm done with this journal. feel free to comment me if you want anymore thoughts from me
    October 16th, 2008 at 10:07pm
  • "People should be allowed to do whatever they want with themselves.
    They aren't 'killing poor babies' they're terminating fetuses.
    I'm completely for abortion."

    things like that are whats making me lose faith in humanity.

    what if i said i wished you were aborted? (ignoring the hypocrisy)

    you'd be offended right?

    why? not like theres anything wrong with abortion right?

    well why be offended if abortion is completely acceptable.

    because its like i'm wishing you dead, but if you admit to that, its like admitting that abortion kills people.
    October 16th, 2008 at 10:06pm
  • People should be allowed to do whatever they want with themselves.
    They aren't 'killing poor babies' they're terminating fetuses.
    I'm completely for abortion.
    October 16th, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • here is a link to a great youtube video. watch the whole thing through, its starts kind of political, but it'll answer all your questions and maybe even change the way you think.

    he basically says everything i would tell you, but in a more entertaining way. enjoy:


    please watch the whole thing.

    i think an abortion is never justified. its completely awful. the only time i could ever say "fine" is if the mother's life was in danger.

    also, please see my journal on it. it answers the top 12 pro abortion arguments.


    i hope i helped
    October 16th, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • I question you this, you feel it's only because they were raped that they should be allowed too? Why, you say if it's purposely that the child shouldn't be punished for their mom being a whore? Well why would you punish the child for the dad being a rapist? I just never understood that...

    My feels on abortion is, as long as it's not my family (blood), I don't give a damn... That's my views...
    October 16th, 2008 at 08:43pm
  • You should visit the abortion thread here on Mibba. It's in the Health section and it's got many different viewpoints from many different people. Good luck. :)
    October 16th, 2008 at 08:40pm
  • go on my mibba.
    and read my 'abortion. views?' journal.
    that should help.

    good luck
    October 16th, 2008 at 07:23pm