I wish you were aborted. - Comments

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    September 29th, 2023 at 08:02am
  • this is the video you were talking about on my page?
    well it sounds disturbing and i don't think i need to watch it to see that. i d-don't think i can without crying so um yeah i'll take your word on it =D
    October 24th, 2008 at 02:09am
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JOOcS2Q_is&feature=related

    there is the meat of that video you mentioned.

    Tell me this, if the fetus is cannot think, if it is not a person. if its just there, being a parasite, how come it started freaking out, fending for its life when the abortion instruments were introduced? if it was as you say, and it can't think, if its just some thingy in there, wouldn't it have just stayed pretty still and not acted in that manner?

    after seeing that video of the ultrasound i cannot possible think that it could have been anything less than a tiny human person who was trying not to die...
    October 23rd, 2008 at 11:47pm
  • i hadn't heard of this behind the back stuff either. i'm not quite sure what she's on about
    October 23rd, 2008 at 11:15pm
  • Behind someone's back? WHOA!!! 0_0 I hadn't heard about this... ?
    October 23rd, 2008 at 10:33pm
  • skank have you seen the silent scream? Google it... During abortions (I'm not talking about half whatever abortions) they stick a tube up and suck the fetus out of the women correct? In the video "silent scream" you will witness the fetus's mouth opening and it silently screaming in the first like five months of pregnancy... :/
    October 23rd, 2008 at 10:31pm
  • what are you talking about? behind your back?
    October 23rd, 2008 at 07:08am
  • Next thing you know you'll be telling us we're cheating God, too. Contradictions make me laugh.

    Also, next time, please take your issues with me up with me, not behind my back. Because we're all supposed to be mature semi-adults here, yes? Please and thank you. Smiley
    October 23rd, 2008 at 01:30am
  • OMG!!!!!!! I love Trey Parker and Matt Stone. they are brilliant. (the guys who make south park)

    i'm watching south park right now, and long story short, Cartman is teaching inner city kids how to cheat, and there is a girl who is pregnant, and he tells her to get an abortion.

    because, he says, it is the ultimate form of cheating.

    "Abortion is the ultimate form of cheating. You're cheating nature itself... They cheat that little critter in their belly right out of a chance at life." - Eric Cartman

    those guys are so brilliant
    October 22nd, 2008 at 11:12pm
  • it seems that the fact that the child doesn't have the ability to think is your number one basis for it being okay to kill it. what if I went into a coma? I can't think anymore, am i still a person? or am i disqualified from being classified as a person? what if i went to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth remeoved? they put me out with some drugs. now i can't think or function or anything? by your logic i am no longer a person and its quite ok to kill me? what if i was sleeping really hard? now i'm in the same boat as an unborn child on the mental level once again. so by your logic, anyone who cannot think for themselves is not a person, which would include people in commas, people under anesthetics, or unborn babies, and if we use your logic, all of these people are not persons…

    Nope. (: My logic is that it’s brain is too underdeveloped to be able to think or feel. It’s not a person, because it’s not developed enough to be capable of thought. Someone who dies doesn’t instantly stop being a person because there no longer is any brain activity. They’re a person, because they have at one point been able to think and feel because they were developed enough to do so.

    Most of my replies were at three in the morning; if they make little to no sense, that’s why. I know what I mean, it’s just conveying it into words I seem to struggle with. ;)

    what qualifies someone as a person?

    I count someone as a person the moment they are born. But the moment their brain is developed enough to feel (in the sense of touch and pain and such), it’s inhumane to perform an abortion.

    so if we are not sure about it, aren't we obligated not to shoot?

    That’s a rather bad analogy. Now, putting aside the fact some women do abuse the right to an abortion, for most it’s a last resort. Science is sure a fetus at the time of abortion cannot feel no pain, nor would it survive outside the womb. I actually believe the legal abortion limit should be lowered, but that’s just my opinion.

    Women very rarely have abortions unless they’re sure. The ones that aren’t sure are usually pressured into it.

    If a hunter shot a person that persons mother/father/sister/brother/grandparents/friends/children etc. would be hurt by it. They have relationships and loved ones. It’s the same deal with the woman carrying the fetus. Even if you argue that a fetus has the same rights as the mother, what do you do when it comes to deciding which ones favour you should vote in? Saying the fetus is more important than the mother contradicts your argument completely (I know you haven’t said that, but a lot of pro-life people do).

    and you know what? i can't stand babies. they make me feel akward and i think they're annoying and i'm just plain bad with babies.

    I love babies. They’re adorable and one day I want to be a mother. I wouldn’t ever have an abortion, unless it was an extreme circumstance. I don’t like the idea of abortion. I wish it was possible to get rid of it and everyone still be okay.

    But I understand that there are times when it is necessary. I mean, that much is obvious; if it was really just a convenience thing, you wouldn’t have desperate women in other countries risking their lives to perform DIY abortions. Obviously it’s something they really can’t handle if they’re going to go that far.

    but i realize the evil in the murder of the most innocent life there is.

    I realise the evil in forcing a woman through pregnancy and childbirth. Abortion isn’t nice. But it’s necessary sometimes; if it was murder, it would be classed as so. If we could do without it, we would. But it’s obvious making abortion illegal solves no problems; the women in countries where it is illegal take other, far more dangerous methods.

    its disgusting how some of you would rather see an unborn human thrown in the trash rather than see some animal killed.

    To be honest, I’d rather see neither.

    Woot for overly long journal replies.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 10:55pm
  • wow that's one crazy long journal comment!!! I am amazed lol
    October 22nd, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • Skank, if you ever come back here, be sure to look down a ways and see the comment where i 'called you out'
    October 22nd, 2008 at 08:28pm
  • BTW I just posted my journal, lol...
    October 22nd, 2008 at 08:07pm
  • The only times I skip the journal and read the comments, is honestly when your post is so long and to me a bit boring, lol... I just read the comments, lol... But this one wasn't boring at all really, I found it a great point...

    You took my advice on using that point about "wishing you aborted" etc... lol... ^_^ I love that the one person, I think skank, contradicted herself with the whole "living thing, yes. person, no." Well if it's living doesn't that mean you killed it? lol....
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:55pm
  • lol i wonder if newcomers to this journal just skip the journal and read the comments.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:51pm
  • i always miss out on the heat of the debate lol, because i'm in europe right now, and you guys are in the US so while i'm typing you guys are like asleep. oh well.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:51pm
  • If I may be honest, I will never change my opinion about my hypocritical thoughts, that's all I can say... I know what you mean about the whole I'm almost there, but I've never changed my thoughts... I'm very opinionated, I mean if it's not my blood what does it matter to me?

    Yeah it's horrible, OMG I'd hate to hear about people just aborting their babies, but it doesn't effect me, it's just something really sickening to hear... But there's a lot of things in this world that sickens me...
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:47pm
  • Yeah I noticed it was long, lol... Why would you delete it though? do you delete comments that don't agree with you? 0_0 I wouldn't think so cuz I see some comments that don't agree with you and they're still here... lol...

    Yeah that was a long ass post, it took 5 pages of microsoft words, since I can't put my response in this "post a comment" box and it stay there as I flipped through the pages lol...
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:45pm
  • ummm, btw people, i posted two comments below the MONDO one she left. :P

    but it was a good comment. It seems like you know what the right thing is, but you're just to apathetic to care lol. you're halfway there ;)
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:45pm
  • nice comment. i read it. it stays. ;)

    “Let's pretend for a second your married. Your wife (whom you love) is pregnant. But, you find out that she will definitely die if she gives birth. The baby will survive and be healthy and live a normal life yada yada ya, but your wife will die. There is no way around it. She can't have that baby without dying.

    Now, would you want her to have an abortion, or not?”

    honestly, both outcomes would be bad for me, but i think the best thing would be for her to have the child.

    thats what being a mother is about: SELFLESSNESS

    heard of St. Gianna? probably not. She died in childbirth. The doctor told her that she'd die if she had the baby and she had it anyways, knowing she'd die.

    thats a ture mother.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 07:43pm