Life of a Perfectionist - Comments

  • I'm kind of a perfectionist and kind of obsessive. I can win a competition and still not like my run. I get upset if I miss more than two questions on midterms or finals so I study way to hard. I honestly cannot stand to write because if it's not absolutely perfect, I'll get mad and rip it up. My jeans have to hang with the straight side facing out; all my hangers have to be the same color; my summer and winter clothes have to be on different sides of my closet; and every garment has a specifc place in between certain things. If I don't have time to put my clothes in their exact spot I won't put them away at all. In my bathroom all my nail polish bottles are arranged accoring to shape. Plus I am constantly rearranging things to be more perfect.

    I don't think it is genetic. Both of my parents are complete slobs. I think I learned my behavior when I was little. I had a lot of doll houses and was constantly rearranging the furnature in them. I "remodeled" them dialy. In addition I was fortunate to have a lot of toys when I was growing up, and it was a challenge to find places to put them in my small room. I think the combination of the two led me to be so organized and always want everything to be perfect.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 11:45pm
  • Don't necessarily look at it as a bad thing or a good thing. Look at it as a part of who you are and be proud of the fact that you are you. Genetic traits or not. I am a bit of a perfectionist so I know where you are coming from.
    November 2nd, 2008 at 06:14pm
  • Well, my mother is a procrastinator and so am I. And I'm a bit of a perfectionist as well. I mean, I won't sit there for an hour trying to get the hole puncher to punch holes correctly, but I do take a long time on tests and things because I don't see anything less than a 100 as worthwhile. (That's not to say I don't mind any passing grade, but I don't really feel accomplished unless I make a 100.)

    It's really weird to be both however. Like for projects I'll do intense research for like a day and then put it the project off until three days before. The first night I'll stay up 30ish minutes later than normal. The second night I'll stay up an hour or two later. And then the third night I'll pull an all nighter. It's just what I do. It works for me. So I'll continue to do it.

    Anyway....yes, genes probably have something to do with it.
    October 30th, 2008 at 03:23am
  • I have ocd...its kind of like perfectionism but i have certain rituals i have to perform along with wanting everything just the way i want might want to look into ocd if it is really affecting your life...
    October 30th, 2008 at 02:50am