Hitler and Obama comparisons - Comments

  • Really?

    How interesting.
    November 20th, 2008 at 07:22pm
  • nothing you said refuted what i said, it just gave more detail.
    November 20th, 2008 at 06:32pm
  • Bitterness:

    The Germens were bitter due to their ego being deflated and that they gave up instead of fighting it out to the bitter end.

    We've "bitter" about Iraq because we had no reason to be there and people have died for no real reason.


    And McCain hasn't? In US politics, that's the done thing. Get used to it. In the UK the whole system is different and much more regulated.


    The traces of rampant anti-Semitism was in place many many years before Hitler was concieved. It was an easy target for the Gerries.

    Bush wasn't a great President but over time, he just got worse. He dug his own grave.


    Everyone promises the moon and Jupiter in election campaigns.

    Personal Qualities

    Hitler used many classic psychological techniques to win over a disillusioned and angry poplace. There is no evidence of this technique in Obama's case such as black/white dicotomies and isolation of the country. Obama has done the opposite.

    Economic Depression:

    This is a RECESSION. This is down to Neo-Liberal markets that have been in place since TWO RECESSIONS ago. It's as much George Bush's fault as it is Tony Blair's as it is every damn leader of every dam,n country as well as everyone in their parliaments and senates.

    And for the last time. OBAMA IS NOT A SOCIALIST!

    I know socialists and he ain't one of them! Get used to that! Your Republican President used socialistic ideas. All your Presidents did. Get used to it.

    I don't think Obama is going to make much 'drastic' change. He is but a tool of his party and the Democrats are just middle of the road politics.

    Everyone thought Tony Blair was going to be a saviour after the endless Tory administration. He wasn't. He was mediocre and Bush's little pet dog.

    Please, stop believing that as it's grossly inaccurate.
    November 20th, 2008 at 05:37pm