Is Opression Towards White People on the Way? - Comments

  • onewaytogo

    onewaytogo (100)

    United States
    Racism can be two things, people. It could be saying one race is inferior to you because of skin color or allowing someone to do something because of their race. When someone calls you racist for not giving them your last gummy bear and they're of a different race, and you reluctantly give it to them, what is that?
    What I hate is that people say minorities have it so goddamn hard, but they're the ones going to college for free while I, being white, must save up my money for my whole high school career to get into the school I want to get into. They have it so fucking easy, it's insane. The minute a black person pulls the race card out to me to get ahead, that's when I pull out mine too.
    November 7th, 2008 at 11:16pm
  • Call Me A Sinner

    Call Me A Sinner (100)

    United States
    SweeyPotatoe: that's the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. First of all, Democrats don't care about black people therefore either does barack obama. you know why black people are generally democrats? Because democrats go them and say "ooooh lookie here, we've got some welfare for youuuu. look at the republicans they're not giving you welfare so vote for us."
    Obama is a socialist, honey. and last time I checked America is all about Capitalism. that's why the majority of white people didn't vote for him. and yea i'm sure there were some who didn't vote for him because he was black. and you call them racist when all of the black ppl voted for him because he's black, doesn't that mean that they didn't vote for mccain because he's white? that's racism too deary. one last thing, i'm soooo sick of ppl saying that obama is the only "hope" we have, and the "only good thing in this country", he's not the messiah, he's not gonna wave a magic wand and get us out of this mess so stop living in dreamland.
    November 7th, 2008 at 01:59pm
  • The Gunslinger

    The Gunslinger (100)

    United States
    Thank you Squirely. as always you seem to counteract both me, and everyone else lol yet still bringing a decent point across.

    as i've said before, i'm not being racist, i'm just spewing out a random conspiracy theory.

    and no, i did not think McCain would win, but i had some hope.

    i really hope i'm wrong about things, but only time will tell.
    November 6th, 2008 at 10:08am
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    ...This is stupid.
    November 6th, 2008 at 02:24am
  • Squirrely.Kassi

    Squirrely.Kassi (100)

    United States
    SweetPotato: Whoa darling you're stepping into dangerous territory, just because that dumbass Kenyay (whatever the fuck his name is) West said that Bush is racist to black people doesn't make it so, don't start stepping onto McCain and Bush supposedly hating black people, because you're only making yourself look IGNORANT!

    Not once have I heard Bush talk about nothing but white people, have you? Bush has Gondalena (sp?) Rice as his main person there, she's up in the office and if he was that freakin racist to black people then she wouldn't be jack shit!

    This is what I was afraid of happening, nothing but racism, since when has any white officer say they're only for white people? The only thing with race coming from anyone's mouth was Obama talking about that one black person way back in the day, y'know that female he was ranting about? or what ever? Talking about Martin Luther King JR, so if you're going to blab about someone being racist then take a look at our soon new President first...

    I'm glad we're getting a new president lets hope he does good, and stop with this racist crap on both ends you white and black, even mexican or any freakin race people!!! my gosh, you sicken me!!! America has gone to this shits, first I have to deal with this racism when it comes around feburary and now this? WTF?! Was it really that good to have a black president or did it just bring up problems?!
    November 6th, 2008 at 01:09am
  • Squirrely.Kassi

    Squirrely.Kassi (100)

    United States
    Can we be honest people?! Did you not notice the people in Obama's crowds were WHITE!!! So what ever you guys are getting that white people don't want a black president, then y'all are blind and not seeing what I'm (and many others who watch television are) seeing!!!
    November 6th, 2008 at 01:04am
  • Squirrely.Kassi

    Squirrely.Kassi (100)

    United States
    This was hella long if I may add, and you know me, I can't read it all lol... I agree to a certain extent, I do not agree that we'll become another Dictatorship because simply America wouldn't allow that and he'd be assassinated if he ever tried to make that happen.

    I do however agree that racism is being brought up, I'm tired of him being compared to Martin Luther King, I'm tired of all the racism he's not a freakin savior he's trying to help ALL people, well that's what I choose to believe...

    I'm sick of all the hatred, give him a chance, lets see what he'll do and I hoped that he would've waited, he's barely been in the senate for 3 years and 2 of them he's been running for president. So let's hope that his premature mind could some how help us in a crisis where we need someone with experience... *sigh*...

    I'm at least giving Obama a chance with this, and hope that some point in time you give him a chance as well... No matter how annoying it is to see that he won becuase of his race and very few listened to the words that came out of his mouth, but if you really felt that McCain was going to win, dude you're blind...

    People have been waiting for any black man or women to come into office and they've got their chance, so here we are, lets hope for the best and not keep avoiding him and hating him when he hasn't even been a president for one day... K?
    November 6th, 2008 at 01:02am
  • asteroid

    asteroid (100)

    United States
    Ehm, I'm waiting to see what he actually does before judging him. Especially how the country has shot itself in the foot with the economy. I'm curious to see if he can help... and the reactions all his haters will have if he does.
    November 5th, 2008 at 09:25pm
  • The Gunslinger

    The Gunslinger (100)

    United States
    hahaha, sure the journal is about race, that is just not the reason i am opposed to him. I didn't see a black candidate, and go "oh shit not a n*gger!" no. never.

    and i'm not scared, i was just bored and came up with this idea.

    in any case, i'm not in the counrty right now, and when i return, i live in a state with like 92% white population, which is further reason for me not to fear lol

    but go ahead and think what you want. like the disclaimer said, this is just a crazy conspiracy theory.

    more for my own fun than anything
    November 5th, 2008 at 07:14pm
  • Dancing Caveman

    Dancing Caveman (450)

    United States
    It does have to do with his race. You can't talk about white people becoming oppressed and show a bunch of black kids doing a routine and say that they "undoubtedly hold racial predispositions."

    You said "black" 15 times in your journal. You talked about racism and the Panthers, his preacher, his grandma... This IS about race. Maybe not all about it, but race does play a part in it. You are terrified that the white majority are going to become oppressed under a black minority. THAT HAS TO DO WITH RACE.
    November 5th, 2008 at 06:50pm
  • The Gunslinger

    The Gunslinger (100)

    United States
    i am not offended by "typical white person" either, but if you turned it around, you'd have a whole bunch of offended people.

    now, I am not opposed to Obama because of his race. Lets make that perfectly clear. I would not care one bit about the first black president, really we're only half way there, B.H.O is only half black. but anyways

    i don't care that he's black. Being black isn't going to help you run a country. And i don't like him because of his past, his socialistic policies, his views on abortion, and his inexperience.

    that is why i don't like him. it has nothing to do with this race.
    November 5th, 2008 at 06:38pm
  • SweetPotato

    SweetPotato (100)

    oh REALLY? really, now?? "opression towards white people"?! fucking hell, you morons!
    go ask a thousand white people on the streets why they voted for McCain and not Obama; i bet more than half of them just didn't want a black president. Fucking hell, a huge number of Americans can't even locate Iraq on the map but they just went on supporting Bush, what does this show about WHITE people's political choices??
    Obama might be the only good thing in this country right now and you just have to go and fuck it over. I don't care why people voted for him, it's good enough that he's the new president and is probably gonna be a great leader.
    i also happen to find it very reasonable for black people to support obama because of his race; cause he might actually CARE about them more than Bush or McCain would.

    So, it would be nice if someone actually asked WHITE people about why they supported McCain while pretending that Obama's views are McCain's; THEN come right up to me and say that your "opressed white people" aren't fucking racist.
    and i'm personally not offended by the use of "typical white person". i'm very sorry for you if you find this racist, but you obviously don't know what racism and discrimination mean.
    November 5th, 2008 at 06:22pm
  • The Gunslinger

    The Gunslinger (100)

    United States
    wow, why be terrified of equality? equality is a good thing.

    and by the way, this had nothing to do with the economy or anything. this was just my conspiracy theory on why on earth we need a civillian security force
    November 5th, 2008 at 06:14pm
  • Dancing Caveman

    Dancing Caveman (450)

    United States
    Yes. It is pretty terrifying to be scared of change. To be scared of things going better for more people in the country. We've been living under 8 years of economic downfall... in an economy where classes are more divided... in an economy where the upper class doesn't have to worry about the deficit, but the middle and low class do... in a state where people go bankrupt because their healthcare won't pay for their hospital bills... in a state where minorities are still oppressed... in a golden land of opportunity where opportunities arise for only Christian white males... in a country that other countries hate...

    I'd be terrified too if I was one on top. I'd be terrified of the change. I'd be terrified of the opportunities other people will now get. I'd be terrified of the fact that people are going to become more equal.
    November 5th, 2008 at 05:45pm
  • The Gunslinger

    The Gunslinger (100)

    United States
    haha, i'm not a racist. Did i say anywhere that i hate black people? that they're inferior? no. i did not.
    November 5th, 2008 at 04:42pm
  • porn

    porn (200)

    United States
    D: What about all the Mexicans? Anyway this is a bit interesting but since I am Satan this sorta comes as a nice little back up for the whole end of the world thing. So lets say he is a communist and white people will be in chains after this. It still means I voted for someone who could be the next Hitler but don't really give a fuck because this country was fucked to begin with and deserves a bit of a wake up call. Oh come on if he doesn't make a good president he might as well make a good dictator. As long as he doesn't ban smoking like that guy from China did I won't try to assassinate him. :) Yes, my thoughts would probably land me in jail or have me banned or hunted down at some places but honestly am I by this point the only one thinking that way? This country is fucked nothing will bring it to its once sort of okay, kind of racist, full of wall street cash, kick butt Yankee army glory. People keep prayin' but God's not listening he's probably laughing his ass off right now. We so did not need a plague to destroy all humanity now. All we needed was stupidity. xD

    Meh, I voted for the best liar.

    November 5th, 2008 at 04:41pm
  • kafka.

    kafka. (150)

    United Kingdom
    It's been 150 years since the Emancipation Proclamation and 50 since the Civil Rights Act.
    get over your huge racist egos and silly prejudices already.
    November 5th, 2008 at 04:40pm
  • The Gunslinger

    The Gunslinger (100)

    United States
    Guitar Man, that is very concerning
    November 5th, 2008 at 03:38pm
  • whyamistillonhere

    whyamistillonhere (100)

    United States
    Regardless of what pros or cons people are going to say about Obama, he is my President and I think he is going to be a great leader.
    November 5th, 2008 at 03:36pm
  • The Guitar Man

    The Guitar Man (100)

    United States
    The thing that worries me most, so far, is that when I google'd Obama and his Civilian Task Force plan, most of the articles that came up were talking about the fact that most of the videos about it had been taken off the internet, and that it was also kept out of the transcripts of his speech. :/
    November 5th, 2008 at 03:35pm