Can Anyone Help Me With This? - Comments

  • there's not so much philosophy behind high school. I mean you go there because your parents want you to be an instructed person, there's no hidden motif in that. What happens in high school is that you get to be most of your days sharing your life with people without really wanting to be with them. Your shoved into classrooms with people you don't like, who are mean and obsene most of the times although there are always exceptions. Our freedom is cut as well, since we have to follow often absurd rules and pay excessive respect to people that sometimes don't deserve all that.
    If you think about it, high school is less complex way of the real world. In mean, at lest in hs they tell you what the rules are, and you can easily identify who's who and what's your role. It's all been given to you, while in the real world there is no such thing. You have to figure it all out by yourself, you have to understand there are different rules for different places, you have to judge a person's character and know if you can trust him or her or not.
    Of course there are still going to be fights and backstabbing. that's a given. you're gonna get involved with people that are bad, and at that time life's not gonna be fucking merry. But on the plus side, when you find one good person you'll be more happy 'cause you found it all by yourself and you build the relationship by your own means.
    It just depends how you see everything.
    Whoa, I think I got a bit excited with this comment...
    November 8th, 2008 at 05:49am
  • If something bothers you, speak your mind about it...
    Even if it's your friend you should never let some walk all over you...
    And Cute Is What We Aim For rocks!
    November 8th, 2008 at 04:18am
  • If something bothers you, speak your mind about it...
    Even if it's your friend you should never let some walk all over you...
    And Cute Is What We Aim For rocks!
    November 8th, 2008 at 04:18am
  • I think the drama gets worse as you get older, and it continues out of highschool. But hey, that's just me. I guess it depends on who you're friends with.
    November 8th, 2008 at 03:22am