DRAMATIME!!! god i hate school. - Comments

  • Ah, so this is one of those fights I just can't understand. Really, I have never had one of these problems. That maybe because I've never had an interest in guys more than just a friend, 'cause they're easier to read that a paper written by an English teacher. My friends are whores, but seeing as I don't like the guys they whore on, it doesn't matter.

    Dianna, the only thing I can say is wait to date until AFTER high school. I hope you don't plan to stay in monti, and I already know there’s absolutely no eye candy here. Whoever the guy was, he couldn't have been worth it.

    And as for you friend, I genuinely feel sorry for her. Sure, skinny and she can act. But pencil in that only so many people actually become famous for their acting, and that she had to whore it out and sit on the guys lap for attention, you basically have drawn out a desperate person for me. I MEAN NO OFFENCE AGAINST HER!! This is just what I SEE from a description. Girls with class don't sit on guy's laps. Girls with a future know that if you waste your time on petty drama you're dumbed to disaster. I'm sure that Hillary Clinton didn't go into some bitch fit over a guy when she was in her study years.
    January 11th, 2009 at 06:09am