Oh Jesus not again! - Comments

  • Knife_called_lust

    Knife_called_lust (100)

    like the other two have said the wonderful world of adolescence...if it helps to know i went through the same thing that your going through now...so if you need me i am here...and dont hate yourself...your only learning right...dont worry about what other people think..not everything happens in a day but things will work out and that does include your thoughts!!!...its ok to think like that itll sort out!
    sammy x xx x
    November 12th, 2008 at 07:52am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    Just because you think a girl is pretty or "hot"...that doesn't make you a lesbian or bisexual. Just because you don't have feelings for every guy you come across... that doesn't make you a lesbian.

    Relax. You're fifteen. You don't need to figure everything out right now. Just take it easy.

    Finksgirl is right. It's adolescence. It's going to be confusing. In time, it'll all come together (that's a really crappy cliched piece of advice, but it's true).

    On the other hand, if that voice in you head is saying "you're a lesbian, just accept it." then maybe it's something you need to look into.

    Please do me a favor though, don't put "I'm bisexual (lesbian). Deal with it!" on your profile. That's really annoying.
    November 12th, 2008 at 04:13am
  • Billie Joe Armstrong

    Billie Joe Armstrong (200)

    United States
    You're experiencing a wonderful thing called adolescence. You'll see that a lot of people on this site say they're "bisexual". Most aren't and haven't even been with one or the other. Everyone is confused at your (our) age. You just need to figure it out, and you will in time. I myself am omnisexual (basically means that race or sex isn't important, it's personality that matters).
    By the way, is your icon from the film Stay? I fucking LOVE that movie. =D
    November 12th, 2008 at 04:04am