The lesser child - Comments

  • Gryffindork -_-

    Gryffindork -_- (100)

    United States
    it ok gracie u got us!
    April 14th, 2009 at 09:04pm
  • shaymeless

    shaymeless (100)

    United States
    hey. . . i know what you mean by having a twin that gets on your nerves. you rnot alone. i have a twin brother. he's older than me by ten minutes and never lets me lives it down. he and i go to different schools, and do different activities, so we never get to see eachother during the day. i also have two other brothers, one a senor, and the other in college. we get along most of the time, like sometimes i hang out with his friends and he tangs along with mine, but it never really gets physical, like punching or anything like that. when we get into a fight, what i do is let him handle his own crap. stop doing his chores, do yours and let him get into trouble. going into your room won't help you. call your two friends, hang out with them, join clubs at your school. you play guitar, do somwthing that has to do with that. show your brother that even though have only two real friends, your the lucky one. you know your friends are real, he doesn't. but most of all, he doesn't deserve you as a sister. if he's not there for you don't be there for him. i'm not saying to stop caring but just tell him you've had it with his behavior. if he doesn't change, that means he's not worth your tears better yet you. show him your the better person and walk away from him. you deserve more out of him!
    November 15th, 2008 at 11:05pm