Looking into the bottom of a pot noodle, starring at what my life's become. - Comments

  • i think everyone's looking for a change. it's partly age... not quite an adult, not quite a teenager (according to the government anyway, we're about as inbetween as you get). of course, technically a teenager and everything, but yeah... the uk fails, innit? ^_^

    or at least, i know change appeals to me. i pay rent for a place that i hate but never move out even though i could. it's just... i don't know. effort. i sort of like the self-abuse or whatever. i don't have to talk to anyone and there are always fags lying around. i just never miss it when i go. i suppose i don't hate it, but i... dislike... i dislike my life as a rule but shh, i ain't emo ¬_¬

    but when life isn't going anywhere and serotonin is lulzing at you, it's just... gosh, do i have another 60 years of this bullshit?

    i hope you feel better soon :-)

    but yeah, pot noodles? meh, it's all about tesco value... but the one in the cellophane wrapper. heaven that can be bought with pennies.

    /possibly failed to make sense

    ... it is 9am, after all
    November 24th, 2008 at 10:00am