So I guess I'm kinda back... - Comments

  • I've drifted as well, I basically just lurk on the boards a bit now, I miss going on WAYT.
    I don't know, it's not that I have a super busy, hectic life or anything, I just haven't felt the need to participate on here as much as I used to. I still stalk a few people on the boards though :P
    College life sounds like it's interesting :P I'm still living at home, missing out on the experience...
    oh and I realise this comment is kind of late :P
    December 17th, 2008 at 02:30pm
  • Heh, high school's taking a toll on me too... I post less often and just usually lurk around mibba- mostly in the journals section. I guess, we're growing up...
    December 1st, 2008 at 12:15pm
  • Uhm... hi. Uh, look, I don't know you, I don't even know why I bother to comment what you wrote some days ago.
    I wasn't there when KTF started, I didn't even like My Chemical Romance back then... I'm relatively new to this Mibba thing, and once again, I don't know you. But for some reason I just wanna reply this. I actually don't even know if you'll care or whatever.
    I'm not gonna talk about me or give you some sort of lecture cause just the idea of me giving a lecture or whatever thing "inspirational" there is, is just so not real... or happening.
    I haven't written anything here on Mibba, and I can say I'm not obsessed with it... I can't say though I have a wonderful life or that I'm fucking happy every single day... like I'm just average and have some issues, but whatever you know.
    I've read KTF, I do believe it's awesome and very emotional... your writing is pretty good and things like that don't just change or go away....
    So this is gonna be pretty random but like, you say a lot of things have happened to you and that everything has sort of changed... I can't say I know exactly what you feel or stuff like that, because I don't. I personally don't like it when people say 'I know exactly what you mean' or 'That same thing happened to me', cause no one lives the same thing or feels the same way...
    I've been through my own personal hell, and I've seen some not-so-pretty things, but I like to think I've overcome that and that I'm currently good.
    People change, things change, you said it yourself. You get disenchanted of things, I know I have. The world keeps spinning. I struggled with that concept not so long ago... I don't want to go all expert on you, but you are right. So when you read this, you probably won't know what I'm talking about, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a point... but I don't know, just... keep been you. Whatever you think that is. Changes, flaws and everything.

    This is long so I guess I’ll just end it. I still don’t know you and you don’t know me, but it’s cool. Enjoy your life and, as ironic as it is, keep the faith.
    November 27th, 2008 at 12:33am