"Best friends" - Comments

  • LoulittaE

    LoulittaE (100)

    Puerto Rico
    If you're posting this because you had a problem with your best friend, then a person that cares about you deeply enough to call you your 'best friend' doesn't always have to agree with you, but still loves you. If something is bothering me, I do speak up. I like to go to the person directly and ask him/her what's up. Not hide those feeling in a little box, until it explodes by mistake.
    I guess people (including me) have their own way of identifying to friends from fake. If my friend insulted me and I knew him/her too well, then I guess I can be able to identify his/her real intentions.
    Sometimes it does happen when you might yell at your friend because you feel hurt, but everyone is human and we all make mistakes. The biggest fight I’ve ever had with my friend lasted 5 minutes (thankfully), and I was surprised because we both have a huge temper. But yea, when you have a problem, you should speak up and not let the slightest thing affect you.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 02:54am
  • Patrick Stump

    Patrick Stump (100)

    United States
    If they're really my best friend ant they say something mean about something I "love", of course I wont be that annoyed with them. They're the same kind of idiot I am. That's why we hang out in the first place.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 02:49am