Twilight rant. - Comments

  • I don't really really think it was necessary to say "it sounds like a 12 year old's bad fanfic. i'm an amateur writer-and when i say amateur, i mean INCREDIBLY amateur. and I COULD FREAKING DO BETTER."
    I'm twelve.
    Sure, I might not be a Twilight fangirl, but that was a bit harsh.
    January 10th, 2009 at 07:22pm
  • yes. i like twilight. my reasons are that i love the suspense you get from S. Meyers writing. When Edward leaves in twilight for a week you want to know if he is coming back. When Edward leaves in New Moon your so upset because of the love that edward and bella share. There are reasons as to why everyone loves these books so much and i think its the whole fact that minus the part where he could kill you at any moment; he is the perfect boyfriend. I am entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.
    Im 14.
    Yes, i am a girl.
    i dont care if you hate twilight or not...
    i actually really hate when people think they know everything about Twilight and then say...Yeah and guess what im almost finished the books!-thats what pisses me off.
    January 2nd, 2009 at 06:29am
  • I hate Twilight/Smeyer for all your reasons, and because, seriously, it's a pitiful excuse for not only a "teen romance" book but "vampires" as well.
    I can't tell you how I want to punch someone every time I see someone say Twilight is like Romeo and Juliet with a "twist".
    WHAT "TWIST"?!
    I predicted the whole ending before freakin' Breaking DOWN (not Dawn for obvious reasons) came out!
    Seriously! If an anti to your books can predict your endings, your storyline is THAT cliche!
    Another thing that bothers me is the lack of swearing. I mean, their teenagers in today's world. I'd at least expect some teenager with a bad swearing habit to appear. You know, someone with at least some form of a personality. But Meyer makes it obvious she's not going to write much swearing because of her religion.
    And I hate how I see someone say, I love vampires, yet the only "vampie" books they list is Twilight.
    Sorry, but that's not liking vampires, that's only liking Twilight. If you liked vampires that much, surely you could find also good vampire books with the millions that are out in the world. I mean, sure, I list Rainbow Boys as my favorite books, but I read other gay novels than just Alex Sanchez.
    Female, 16, never even made it through the first Twilight book, for obvious reasons.
    December 15th, 2008 at 01:51pm
  • I like Twilight. I read it a while ago, before the movie and whatnot, and as I've read some more advanced and interesting novels, I've grown tired of it. Especially with the hype it's getting now.
    There are a lot of things that I agree with in your rant.
    Like the sparkly vampire thing and the whole Jacob being in love with a new-born thing. That freaked me out.
    I think the idea or concept was good, but it could have used some major improvements in the writing department. It was a little too easy to read.
    However, I think it was a good book for the intended audience - young teen girls.
    Stephenie Meyer gave exactly what the girls with spiking hormones wanted; a cheezy romance with a flawless, untouchable, and unrealistic male figure who will love a character (who is supposed to be average, and someone you can relate to) despite her flaws. That's probably why it's so popular.

    Confession: I went to see the midnight showing in Forks. I live so close. It was too tempting to pass up.

    Ohhhh. And I'm female and 17
    November 27th, 2008 at 05:01am
  • HAHA. Guitar Man never fails to add his famous line every it's about Twilight.

    I'm neutral about Twilight - agree with what you wrote. At the same time, I love this book and at the same time as well - I hate it :D Ha ha... Weird? Yes...

    I'm 14 - Female
    November 24th, 2008 at 02:35pm
  • lol you're a hero. I ranted similar to this but that was around the time I was banned from journals so it didn't post. *pout*
    November 23rd, 2008 at 11:10pm
  • I read Twilight before it was uber huge - about a year and a half ago.
    There is nothing new about it.
    Anne Rice made vampires gorgeous about thirty years ago.
    I've read other stories before Twilight was written with vampires going out in the sun.
    All vampires have super strength.
    Adding the sparkle doesn't do much either, because, again, I've seen stories where vampires sparkle somewhat. It's similar to Anne Rice's, how they sort of glow in light from fire or electricity - seeming like they're made from marble.
    It was a poor romance story, too. Why do girls look up to a character who can't fend for herself? That needs a man do be there every second to make sure she doesn't kill herself? Wouldn't a young girl like to look up to a strong woman?

    I read the first two, giving it a chance to get better. In each, I skipped over 100 pages and still knew what was going on. That shows there's at least 100 pages that adds nothing to the plot. That's poor writing. Also, there was very little use of imagery and such.

    Also, the way Meyer put what Bella looked like into one paragraph is BORING! It's like one giant list with no imagery!

    Though that doesn't stop me preferring Batman to Pride And Prejudice...
    I'm the only girl my family knows that actually seen all Batman movies and reads the comics. Any comic really.
    Lawl. xD

    I'm a girl, obviously and I'm 16.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 11:08pm
  • Re-read the series to get the Renesmee answers, they're there. She got the idea from a dream, that's where she got the sparkle thing from (pretty sure). You say it sounds like a fanfiction well then it's a pretty good fanfiction considering the fact that all the books are still on the bestseller list.
    Bella isn't perfect, she makes her mistakes and they screw things up. Edward and the vampires look perfect because that's how they get thier prey but they make mistakes. Again, the how Edward got Bella pregnant thing was explained in Breaking Dawn, maybe you should read the books before saying all this. And who cares what her name means? So it means 'beautiful swan' big deal, I think she got the name because if she had a daughter she would name her Bella which is why she used the name. It's just a name.
    I'm 15 and a girl, I started reading them in eighth grade when I was 13 before they got popular. My mom, and cousins (they're 19 and 17) have read the books and love them also.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • I think you actually need to read the books to fully understand why the characters are the way they are- especially with Renesmee.

    Now, I don't think the Twilight series is anything special. It's a decent story which moves along fairly quick.; a 400 page book took me about 4 hours to read. It's meant for young readers which is why the writing isn't always the best.

    I think Stephenie Meyers was trying to come up with something original for the vampires- which is why they don't have fangs and why they sparkle. I thought the sparkly vampire bit was too much, but it's really not that big of a deal.

    Female. 21 years old. English Education Major.

    As a future teacher: I'd never teach this book, but I probably would allow a student to do a book report on it. (I would LOVE to teach Harry Potter)
    November 23rd, 2008 at 09:15pm
  • You're welcome =)
    November 23rd, 2008 at 09:15pm
  • Simple Alex, yeah, I know most girls like it, but I actually know a guy who's 100% straight and a HUGE twilight fanboy.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:52pm
  • I still don't get why she made the vampires sparkle. The confused me.
    I didn't get the whole pregnancy thing either. Didn't she say Edward had no bodily fluids? She totally went back on what she said in a previous book in the series.

    Let's see...
    -I do like Twilight. I'm getting kind of annoyed with Twilight though. I'm sick of hearing about it everywhere. It's like a plague or something.
    -I'm 15.
    -I'm a girl. Mostly girls love Twilight. I rarely ever see a guy talking about it. :]
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:43pm
  • I know.
    The Dark Knight Rules all. End of.
    RIP Heath Ledger;
    He cost us an immense actor, character, villain.
    And a sequel = [
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:40pm
  • Batman Rules.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:35pm
  • -No, I do not Twilight. I'll admit to liking them when the books first came out, but when I read them I couldn't help noticing the flaws. I mean, the books do have plot, even if it is really not substantial enough to ever be published (in my opinion). But the main thing that bugs me is the way she writes; if you look at the sentences & structure, it's like she's in year 3. She understands the concept of writing a story, and she can do joined-up handwriting or whatever, but she's just going by the textbook. The sentences are simple, with little advanced vocabulary.
    Plus, I don't think they're worth all the hype. People need to look at all the other romance books out there which are so much better, and fall in love with them instead. Praise where it's deserved.
    -*sigh* I'm 14. I.e. Twilight-obsessed-fangirl age. *cringes*
    -Yup, I'm a girl.
    Though that doesn't stop me preferring Batman to Pride And Prejudice...
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:25pm
  • Edited out the profanity, thanks for warning me QuestionOrConfession.

    I know it was kinda difficult to read and such, I originally wrote it just for me, which is what's up with the random lack of grammar towards the middle.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:10pm
  • - I've read all the books. I do not like them, because;

    1. I don't like S. Meyers writing. The first two books have no plot line whatsoever, which I learned already in my first year of school, is a really important thing about a book. It is actually the whole point of it. This doesn't count for the last book. If you looked really closely, you could see the plot being there in the silent background.
    2. It annoys me that nowadays you can write as many books as you like as long as it's something people like. Vampires are popular, ergo, you get to publish your books.
    3. Twilight is a rip off of Smallville and superman. So there.

    - I'm 17 years old. I read the three first when I was 16.
    - I'm a girl.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 08:07pm
  • =P The formatting was a bit difficult, but the rant was good. I'm glad it wasn't just about the popularity.

    The characters are 'Sue'-ish, to the extent that they're just cliche'd stereotypes who kind of blend together after a while. I'm sure that Meyer's created Bella as an uintentional self-insert, because that's what she really wants in the back of her head.

    The whole series, to be honest, strikes me to be written as a fanfiction. As a fanfiction, it's semi-decent, but a story that reads more like a fanfiction should not be published, though it explains its popularity, to some extent.

    There's no depth to Twilight, imo.

    Male, old enough. =P
    November 23rd, 2008 at 07:58pm
  • You're going to get your journal banned for all the profanity. Watch out.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 07:56pm