I've Just Realized... - Comments

  • You don't HAVE to become a hypocrite. You can change yourself.
    December 3rd, 2008 at 11:31pm
  • Hypocracy is inevitable to all. Plus the wonderful thing about a lifetime is you can change how yours is run. You could change easily. I did
    December 3rd, 2008 at 10:08pm
  • Well, what do you prefer? Feeling guilty when you're being nice to her because you're forced to and hurt her even more when she knows that you never really like her or try avoiding her so that both of you won't get hurt. That's your choice.

    December 3rd, 2008 at 08:09pm
  • And exactly would you prefer doing? Ignore her? Treat her badly? Just act cold? You see, that would hurt her a lot and you would be a worse person than a hypocrite...

    Believe me, I've gone through the same more than once and even now, there's a girl in college I can't stand at all but I just can't go on and ignore her as I would love to do, because, I just can't. It seems too cold and cruel.
    December 3rd, 2008 at 08:03pm
  • I understand how you feel. There's this girl in my class. She's a total copycat. She tends to follow everything that I did and she's so annoying. And I try my hardest to stay away from her because everytime she's around, I'll snap at her or scold her. But, she keeps coming to me. It can be really frustrating. I don't want to scold her or snap at her. She just gets to my nerve everytime. Everyone realizes that, even the teachers so, when we're together and things started to heat up, they quickly separate us before I could explode. And, at the same time, I feel really guilty because the only thing she does is copying me, or trying to be me.

    December 3rd, 2008 at 07:53pm
  • What's the problem with being nice to people that you don't really like/know that much? It makes the world a nicer place :-)
    December 3rd, 2008 at 07:46pm