Total Rant. - Comments

  • If she's studying to get more qualifications and a better job, I'm guessing she is because of the comment you left, then I think they have a right to.
    But when they just want to sit at home and not even attempt to, then they shouldn't. It is unfair for you to be discriminated against, and I agree about the whole set thing. My Brother is, I guess you could say more focused, maybe? Than me and he is in set 1 for everything whereas I'm not as focused but do better in other things and am in lower sets. The highest sets, like you said, are full of kids who would cry if they had a B(seriously).
    But all of this 'tax cuts' crap is going to make our generation pay, because how else are they meant to make that amount AND MORE back? Charging more taxes, whoop(!)
    Finksgirl, I agree only if the Mother was working/studying because it's all a bit of give and take, really.
    My Mum ran for the council(local) here, she was with Plaid Cymru and then moved to Labour because they were 'garunteeing' her the place. In the end, she lost miserably and the other Woman that was promising 'door to door visits every month' among other things won, have we seen her since? Nope, and she's still claiming money to sit and do nothing.
    What's more is that she agreed to go with Labour afterwards. I hope my Mum doesn't run again. Politics does bad things to good people...
    December 8th, 2008 at 07:23pm
  • 400,000 pounds?!?
    Good lord, that's like almost a million dollar house USD.
    My mother is a single mother and she has one job and has to care for not only me but my sister AND bothe my grandparents.

    Though about that, my father and my sister's father are both complete knobs and try to weasel their way out of paying child support, they have for years. So maybe a single parent with children from separate fathers WILL need benefits, I know my mother would certainly like some.
    December 8th, 2008 at 06:03pm
  • my mum gets money for us which she will pay back when the money the government is giving her helps her get a degree to start paying taxes, she is trying. She has 5 kids, one with aspergers sydrome. She tries, others should too.
    December 8th, 2008 at 03:24pm
  • I don't believe all single mothers deserve benefits.
    ^ Agreed. Some single mothers have six children by six different fathers to get money already. I don't know if they do that in Britain, but they do that here and it pisses so many people off since that's tax money going to those whores. Yeah, they're single mothers, but they don't deserve money.
    My mother was single while raising three children and never got money because she had a job. We didn't need it though. Shows that not all single mothers a) deserve it and b) need it.
    No country should through around tax money to single mothers just because they're single mothers.
    December 8th, 2008 at 03:09pm
  • The Quibbler, I don't believe all single mothers deserve benefits.

    Although my family is working class and I live in a council estate, it's a good council estate adn I've never been any trouble to anyone. I have very working class values but I have a middle Britain state of mind.

    Many people deserve benefits, an equal number do not.
    December 8th, 2008 at 03:06pm
  • It's not fair on anyone, believe me.
    Most of the middle class people hate the New Labour party. We still have to pay taxes for certain people who don't work. Single mothers deserve benefit, definately, but there are men out there who are too lazy to get up off their ass.

    If your house is worth £400,000 and you can't afford it, that's your fault.
    I completely agree. If you know you don't have enough money then don't buy it! Loans just make the situation worse too >.<.
    December 8th, 2008 at 02:48pm
  • If your house is worth £400,000 and you can't afford it, that's your fault.
    I think the same thing, and I live in the United States. This is why so many people are in trouble. They take out huge amounts of money from the bank and can't repay them. The banks are fucked then and so are people.

    We don't have a working class here. It's lower, middle and upper. I guess working class would fit in lower and half of middle.
    December 8th, 2008 at 02:43pm