Normal? HA! I laugh at normal... - Comments

  • so true. every one is unique so no one can fit into the normal box. I'm weird. people call me that often. school can suck when people make up rumours about you, just because they think they are normal cool better than everyone else.
    the idea od being normal is borning and does more harm than good. I don't believe in social status. it is only degrading. think of how much betterthe world would be if no one cares about fitting in with the norm. everything would just be turned upside down...
    December 30th, 2009 at 02:06pm
  • normal is just a cycle on a washing machine.
    normal does not exist.
    no one is exactly alike so therefor how could there be such a thing as 'normal'
    and faust.
    you are anything but normal.
    'spaztastic' has major issues.
    March 1st, 2009 at 07:11pm
  • What is normal, honestly? Are you normal because you act like every other damn person in the world who like the same things, wear the same things, say the same, and look the same?

    Normal is.. just not normal.
    No one is normal, honestly.
    Sleeping all day is normal for me.
    You're normal whenever you're used to something.
    If you do something that you're not used to, it's not NORMAL for YOU.

    Whateverr. What does my opinion count as? Nothing.
    December 31st, 2008 at 10:56am
  • see now the issue 'spaztastic' where you fail at calling me normal... I'm not, I've been in the nut house, I rather like it there. I've been labeled insane (by doctors). don't judge me by my cover sweet heart.
    December 14th, 2008 at 12:48am
  • I would say that so many people try to not be normal, that they loose themselves a little. And therefor the people who are 'normal' are not really normal at all because they are few and far between.

    There is also the idea that no one is normal because we are all so very different there is no normal.
    December 11th, 2008 at 08:36pm
  • A lot of people define being sane as being normal.
    You're not in a nut house so you're normal.

    You're a normal 16 year old trying to be different than everyone else.

    When you get into different categories of a sane person, you can also get not-normal and normal. Such as sleeping all day. Generally, that's not normal. Humans, naturally, aren't nocturnal. Some people may view that as normal due to their job, though.
    December 11th, 2008 at 12:27am
  • Normality - The property of conforming to a norm.

    It seems pretty easy to be 'normal', imo.
    The fact is, normal is detimined by what the majoirty of society thinks it is. While it changes, it does in fact exist.
    It's like morality; people's idea of what's right might change over time, but just because it can do so, and just because it is basically an opinion...that does not mean it is nonexistant.

    Nice try at being philosophical and nonconforming, though.
    December 11th, 2008 at 12:21am
  • Yeah! How can something be normal if no one's really able to describe normal?! :D
    December 11th, 2008 at 12:20am