gay marriage - Comments

  • I know some people give long answers but in my opinion if they love each other then who the hell cares? let them eat cake. And for religious people out there, do you really think God would not except you for something that wasn't your fault? ...I could be wrong but thats my 2 cents...
    August 31st, 2009 at 12:35am
  • In my opinion, the bible is just another story. It has been translated from language to language, so some of its true meaning has been lost in translation. If I say something in English and then convert it to spanish, i'm guranteed to be saying something totally different that makes no sense.

    But I'm not here to talk about the bible, I'm here to talk about gay marriage.

    Gay marriage should be legal in all states. What's the difference between a penis loving a penis? Or a vagina loving a vagina? Does it really matter? If love is between the same sex and they want to get married, than so be it. Don't make it seem like it's a giant hassle. It may be against some people's beliefs, but what about the people who want to get married's beliefs'? Don't they count for something?
    July 31st, 2009 at 09:15pm
  • oops. didnt meant to cuss x(
    December 31st, 2008 at 11:04am
  • I say.. fuck gender.
    If two people have a penis and love each other, so be it.
    If two people have a vagain and love each other, so be it.
    it's whatever makes them sleep at night, right?
    It's stupid to even care if two people love each other, dispite the gender.
    I love using the arguement - "Love, is love."
    Because.. honestly, it's true. Because, hell, wouldn't you want to live together with someone you love and not worrying if you they have a vagina or a penis?

    If you have a problem with gay people, then don't contact with them.
    And honestly, you can't use the arguement that God hates gay people whenever
    no one has honestly proven that he's real. He's just like a fairytale, honestly.
    So, whatever.
    December 31st, 2008 at 11:04am
  • if it's what makes people happy then why not allow it?it doesn't matter if your not gay, why cause trouble and make it so people that want to get married can't? it's stupid, if your in love then why not allow people to get married?About the god thing.If you believe in god then do you really think it's going to matter if your gay or not?
    I think society should just accept the truth, and allow gay marriage it's the right thing to do,
    December 16th, 2008 at 05:33am
  • In opposition to vaginasaurus' opininos, i completely believe in the 'love is love' argument for same sex marriages. I don't see how it's ridiculous because how is love different between a man and a woman than love between a man and a mand/woman and a woman? Surely love is determined by the couples emotions, not their gender.

    I do believe that same sex amrriages should be legal, it is discrimination against part of our society. I am British and i do believe that we should have gay marriages here not just civil partnerships. Taking the case of John Barrowman's civil partnership to Scott (dunno his last name), he said himself that they had already been together their relationship was finalised in their views, it was just so that they would have legal rights connected to each other and force people to accept that they were a couple. I think it's disgusting that they should have to resort to that.

    And let's not forget, the Spartans loved gay people. If you had a gay son you were made! eg:

    Spartan 1: My son has an army of 500!
    Spartan 2: My son's gay!
    Spartan 1: Dammit.

    (put in very humorous terms i know but a very knowledgeable teacher told us that)

    I do not beleive you can say that God hates gays becvause he is meant to be all-loving and forgiving. also it depends on how you believe in God, i don't believe in him much, but i have been brought up to believe in him and i do believe that He will forgive and forget and love you no matter what your preferred sex is.

    and frankly, who even stated that marriage had to be between a man and a woman? If you read the traditional marital vows there aren't that many that specify man and woman. Adam and Eve were never married, just thrown together for a story really. I mean, of course a naked man is going to get bored in a place of wondrous beauty.

    and anyway, gay people are lovely, i know several and while they can be bitchy (which is very funny to watch when you're not on the receiving end of it) they are absolutely lovely so why shouldn't they be treated the same as everyone else?
    December 16th, 2008 at 12:30am
  • I love wedding!
    I don't care what gender of sexe is up there. If they are my friends and they are happy then I'm smiling until the damn priest (which feels like he talks forever) says you may now kiss the bride (whoever that may be) *laughs*
    December 14th, 2008 at 04:51am
  • v Common-law marriage is currently only available to straight couples, as I understand it. And Audrey T has it exactly right. Here's Wikipedia's list of some of the rights that come with marriage in the US:
    December 12th, 2008 at 02:22am
  • yes, but depending on where you are they see you as married after you've lived together for so long. It's not really the financiall things they tend to seek it's more the prestige of being a 'married' person. the benefits are really only benefits
    December 11th, 2008 at 04:12am
  • An important argument is the one for legal spousal rights. Being legally married in the US grants a couple spousal rights which are very important. There's also the whole filing for taxes as a married couple (which has it's own benefits). The whole legal marriage thing is a lot less about 'the gays wanting a wedding," which is actually some really dumb thing I heard someone say before.
    December 11th, 2008 at 03:54am
  • The "love is love" argument is ridiculous, and I don't use it. Actually, I'd never seen that argument before I got an account here. It seems to be a brand of well-meaning idiocy peculiar to Mibba. *g*

    Which can be argued by the fact that God dislikes gay people.
    I find it interesting that you can declare that a fact when a) there's no proof God actually exists and b)
    The Bible has a long history of being used to justify anything and everything, including slavery. Do we really want to deny an entire demographic their civil rights because the Bible -- the Old Testament, to be precise -- says a few things that can be construed as anti-gay?

    Also, On The Media has an interesting discussion of marriage, particularly the idea of "traditional marriage", here:

    Marriage in our society is both a civil and a religious institution. People get married in churches without marriage licenses; people get married in town halls with them. The gay rights movement isn't trying to force religious institutions to perform ceremonies for same-sex couples, just to get the government to acknowledge that as things stand, we are not equal under the law, and correct it.
    December 11th, 2008 at 03:10am