i need some advise - Comments

  • Antagonist

    Antagonist (200)

    United States
    There may problems legally with it, but just explain to them what's up...you're an adult...there's not much they can do unless his parents decide it's wrong.

    As long as you two aren't having sex with each with the age difference I don't see anything wrong with it.

    Just be careful.
    December 16th, 2008 at 07:20pm
  • lovemelavender;

    lovemelavender; (200)

    United States
    Here's what I suggest. I suggest you find someone more your age, or just wait until he's older if you truly care for him that much. Think of it this way, your relationship is illegal right now anyway, so you can't truly display it publicly like you may want to show the world.

    My sister was in this exact same situation and just because the sixteen year old's parents didn't want her hands on him, they nearly pressed charges and had her locked up which his parents could do to you if they wanted to. It's best if it just ends now before it progresses to more.
    December 16th, 2008 at 08:59am
  • xluckyscrubs13x

    xluckyscrubs13x (150)

    I suggest you just tell them you're dating this guy, tell them every single good thing you can think of about him, and then tell them he's 15, then immediately start gushing about how awesome he is again.
    I don't think they would take it that badly. You might just get the 'Are you sure he is mature enough for you?' talk.

    In this case, bite your tongue.
    December 16th, 2008 at 07:28am
  • DearJanuary

    DearJanuary (100)

    If they know him,just say "______ and I have been hanging out a lot lately, and we're dating."

    Would your parents be mad because he's older than you or because you're dating in general?

    My last boyfriend was three years old than me and it wasn't a problem. Also, the guy I'm seeing right now is 29 while I'm 18, my mom just says "You're eighteen, you have good judgement, just be careful." She told me that when I dated an eighteen year old guy, too.

    Truth is, you are eighteen and you get to call a lot of the shots now. You still want to respect them which is good, but you always want to make yourself happy. If they get mad, then they get mad, worst thing that can happen is they yell and complain, but they'll have to accept it because technically they can't stop you from seeing someone. That'll just make you want him even more.

    Hope I was of some help.
    December 16th, 2008 at 07:28am