has anyone? - Comments

  • HardcorrexxxJenna

    HardcorrexxxJenna (100)

    United States
    I have had the same problem.
    Only a tad different.
    You see this guy broke up with my bestfriend for me.
    And she started cutting herrself.
    But you see he was like my bestfriend and i LIKED him.
    It was always fun when we werent like dating.
    So then when we did like go out and everything and like it just wasnt the same when we broke up it kinda of sucked cause my bestfriend still hates me.
    well you could try and tell your bestfriend is just like to like stop saying all that stuff about you.
    And you could just tell him that you know i dont really like you anyymore.
    like not in a mean way.
    but you know.
    likee i know that is hard to say to someone but like they will get over eventually.
    January 12th, 2009 at 04:37am