The World Currently Stands For... - Comments

  • wow you got a smart bone in you oyu can see all of this finally i am not the only one.
    yes i understand you
    January 3rd, 2009 at 10:30pm
  • To be honest, even if in the bible it says homosexuality is a sin doesn't it also say something along the lines of Confession abolishes sins. So if a gay or lesbian is open about their sexuality shouldn't they then be accepted into society? And for those who believe in God shouldn't he then 'forgive' them for being truthful?

    If they lied and tried to be straight then they'd technically still go to hell because lying is a sin too. They can't really win can they? So just let them be who they want to be.
    December 30th, 2008 at 07:01pm
  • -gasp-
    I hate it when good causes are no long supported just because they're "trendy" now and being trendy and not being trendy are issues so much more important than the war in Iraq.
    As for the Bible and sinning, sin is -more or less- the only thing that does get you into Hell. I'm not saying that I think that homosexuality is a sin, just that your argument in favor of it is not as valid as you'd want it to be?

    And to assume that every other human being explodes with joy solely because they're alive is cute, yet naive.
    Be the change you want to see in the world.
    December 30th, 2008 at 06:49pm
  • yes.
    December 30th, 2008 at 06:11pm