Fuck Me. I Screw Everything Over. - Comments

  • blake123

    blake123 (100)

    United States
    it is really good maggie i loved it
    February 24th, 2009 at 06:56am
  • OctoberIsForLovers

    OctoberIsForLovers (100)

    United States
    i agree with every thing they said sweets, you DO NOT screw everything over. the shovle and backyard idea might just work, just remember to hide the evidence. Luff joo!<3>Squeakers><3
    December 31st, 2008 at 10:57pm
  • Wasting Light

    Wasting Light (100)

    United States
    First off, how many times must I tell you that you arn't a screw up? If you were, life would be worse.
    Second, let him learn his lesson. He'll learn that she doesn't love him, she just loves the hotel suites (basic english: she doesn't give a crap). You've told him several times that you care for him, and that she doesn't. He doesn't understand that, so let him learn his lesson.

    As many people say, we make mistakes, becuase that's the way we learn.

    You can only help a person so much, they need to really help themselves. They can only take the 'Dr. Phil' seccions so much. They know they have problems, don't constantly remind them.
    Also, you can't fix everyone's problems. No one can. That takes a superpower that no one really posesses, not even Dr. Phil.

    Fix the little problems and the big problems will fix themselves. In basic English, fix what you can and the other problems will fix themselves.

    I know you have your own problems. Everyone does. So stop worrying so much about his. Fix your own problems. Once that's done, THEN help him. Until then, don't worry so much about him. It's OK to worry a little, but not overdose it.

    It's OK if he doesn't constantly call or text you all the time. HE DOESN'T HAVE TO, SO DON'T WORRY!! Now, if he hasn't talked to you for a while, THEN worry, but until then, relax. You don't have to know his every move 24/7. That makes you seem clingy.

    That may be the reason why he didn't text you yesterday. Clingyness drives people away. FAST.

    Also, if he continues to be all depressed, don't give up what you have to be with him. (Pretty much what I'm sayinf is don't ditch you friends to be with him) It won't help the cause at all.

    But enough of my lecturing; there is some way you can help him. Remind him every so often that you DO care (don't remind him 24/7), and that you'll always be there for him. And Synyster-Envy is right about not telling him bad things about her. Maybe she can HELP you help him, maybe she can't. Weigh possiblities.

    Just remember one thing when you are with him or talking to him: DON'T BE CLINGY!!!
    December 31st, 2008 at 08:47pm
  • ylitefoot

    ylitefoot (100)

    United States
    yeha man, just let you friend know how much you care for him and, for the girl i got a shovel and a big back yard. If that can help you out at all. All i got to say is good luck man and i hope everything works out!

    December 31st, 2008 at 07:29am
  • Isola-In-The-Rain

    Isola-In-The-Rain (100)

    First off! I think you need to get your friend help PRONTO! Try as hard as you can to get it to him.. MAKE HIM TAKE IT even if her doesnt want to. Ive seent first hand what being an alcoholic can do to a family.. its not good!

    This chick would piss me the fuck off too. and id hate her guts also. Im no sure if its jealously or soemthing telling you shes not "ok" for him. Eitha way, keep a close eye on her incase she is trouble- keep your friend safe. But also dont go looking for bad things about her becasue you might push him away. that sounds hard to do but you'll find a way to help your friend.
    December 31st, 2008 at 07:28am