I Think Somethings Wrong With Me - Comments

  • I had this kind of problem but with me I was sleeping a lot but still tired. I asked a few people. The general points I got back are as followed

    1. Do you eat a lot of Sugar? Drink a lot of caffiene? If so STOP! :D
    2. Drink plenty of water
    3. Check your diet - is it balanced (carbs make you feel sleepy)
    4. Lower your stress levels!
    5. Strech and relax before you lie down for sleep - it will loosen your body and make you feel tired
    6. I find lavender spray works nicely on my pillow!
    7. Your body sleeps in intervals - I think it's 3 hours. Check your sleeping pattern
    8. Make sure you are eating enough vitamins

    I would keep a sleep diary for the next couple of weeks and see how things go. Worst comes to worse - go and see a doctor and present him with your sleep diary. It will help him so he can help you

    Hope this helps!

    December 31st, 2008 at 06:49pm
  • Might be insomnia.
    December 31st, 2008 at 06:28pm