[48] "Friends", Lies, and Pedophile Stalkers. - Comments

  • sue donym.

    sue donym. (100)

    United States
    I'll just, like, chill around the general area where I believe it is until your arrival, I guess.
    Orrr, my art class is REALLY, REALLY loud, so... Uh... We might get held after class for a minute or so. -shrug-
    January 4th, 2009 at 03:53am
  • english house

    english house (100)

    United States
    I actually don't know my locker number, 'cause I'm smart like that. Uuhh I'll try to get there early but it's in the basement, near the music room (not band, music) and in between Brandon and Eric and Regine and Ali. Just look for the zebra... *winkwink*
    January 4th, 2009 at 03:33am
  • sue donym.

    sue donym. (100)

    United States
    Sounds like a plan! ^.^

    Kaykayyy. Sounds chill. That way I won't have to sit at A) the slut table that I normally sit at, B) with Yamari, or, C) With Karen...
    Now, uhhhh, which one's your locker, again?
    January 4th, 2009 at 02:57am
  • english house

    english house (100)

    United States
    Butbutbut, Christian has been abandoning me in my dreams, too! Aaaah well, if that situation changes, hanging out with you and Mr. Reznik sounds like a plan. As long as he didn't do his anti-stripper girl lady thing face.

    As for going to Mr. Garza, of course I will go with you. Meet me at my locker just before lunch and we can probably eat there, with him if you want.
    January 4th, 2009 at 02:51am
  • sue donym.

    sue donym. (100)

    United States
    I think it would be awkward to go to Mr. Garza by myself since, well, he's not my teacher and all... But, yeah, I think if you went with me, Mr. Garza would be the best choice...

    And, dude, don't worry. I am SO not faking being friends with you. In fact, sometimes my self-esteem will, like, die, and I'll just sit there worrying that YOU don't actually like ME, so I guess we're pretty much on the same page... >.<

    You can always join me and Christian Bale in our badass insomnia, Emmalah! X]
    January 3rd, 2009 at 11:19pm
  • english house

    english house (100)

    United States
    Oooh, Margieee.

    I have terrible bad habits. Ask me sometime and if I'm feeling up to it, maybe I'll tell you the worst one. But, as of now, I fake friendships with people in my grade just to float by and not look like any more of a loser than nessacary. I lie too, occasionaly. Teachers, mostly, friends, rarely. I have a habit of exagerating tales, but usually not completely maing them up. It's okay if you do that, I don't really mind. Unless of course it's something big, like let's say, your not friends with me when I think you really are.

    I only say that 'cause I've been having the abadonment dreams again, and last night it was you and my Dad. I don't like sleeping anymore...

    About the pedo, tell someone who won't blow it out of proportion, but still be concerned. So like maybe wait to tell your Mom or the school conselour but maybe like a teacher or a adult friend who's not sending you creepy letters and telling you to "Loooove Colin." Which is a creepy name, by the way. If I was in your situation, I'd tell my Mom but our Mom's are very different. I'm thinking I would talk to Mrs. G, maybe or seriously I'll go with you to Mr. Garza. He's so wonderful and NOT the average teacher. I just have so much respect for him and I'd trust him with my problems in a heart beat. If you asked him, I know he'd talk it through with you and ONLY you.

    So in the meantime, I'm always here to talk. :]
    January 3rd, 2009 at 10:52pm