My Encounters With Cancer - Comments

  • afia7x

    afia7x (100)

    United States
    Brandon, we are coming home tomorrow... so she can die at home like she wants.

    It sucks that it has come to this, I blame Ed.... If his ass would have gotten a better job with better health insurance we could have caught the cancer sooner.

    Call me soon!

    I loverith you!
    January 6th, 2009 at 05:31am
  • supergluethequeen

    supergluethequeen (100)

    I just did this huge terry fox event at my school, and it was me and about 30 kids who organized it, and we had the privilege of talking with an organizer for the foundation who pointed this out
    go in a room full of people and have everyone who has been affected by cancer raise their hand, chances are everyone will.
    now ask who has been affected by tb, chances are no one will raise their hands

    TB was as big as cancer is for us today. But with research and such, they found a cure to it, and it's now something we are hardly even aware of.
    Although cancer is this huge deal that is in all honestly just one big bitch right now, we are on the verge of finding a cure.
    For the first time in my life, I really donated myself entirely, money and volunteering to the Terry fox organization and it made me realize a lot.
    With so many people affected by cancer, we need a cure.
    And all the people I interacted with through this event really blew me away.
    The dedication from these people is astonishing.

    There might not be a cure now, but you can help find one by helping fundraise or by simple spreading the facts about how severe cancer is.
    1 in 4 people in Canada will die of cancer, how can you refuse to act on such a grave issue?

    We will find a cure, our generation will. We have to.
    I hope everything works out for you<3
    January 4th, 2009 at 07:14pm
  • Big Maggie.

    Big Maggie. (100)

    i hate you, cancer.... go away.

    Dammit, I agree. My best friend has leukemia. He has to go to London to get some kind of transplant next month, and it's unfair. Who picked a 16 year old to have to go through this? It's really just the uncertainty of it all that's killing me, they won't hell him what's up, just his mother, and it seems like...she just doesn't have the heart to tell him, which doesn't really raise either of our spirits. Apparently, though, (and this is just what I've gathered from other's in his situation), they never tell the patient themselves, wether they're a minor or not, just the next-of-kin, and from then on it's their decision...

    Or maybe that's just the shit-hole that is Ireland.

    I'm sorry...
    January 4th, 2009 at 06:43pm
  • annie; forever.

    annie; forever. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've had experiences with cancer too. My brother had spinal cancer from 2004-2006. He was in remisson but he was diagnosed with leukimia not too long ago. He's not going to overcome it. He's in hospice right now. It's his birthday today.

    The most awful thing about this is the leukimia was caused by the chemo he had for the spinal cancer a few years back. Terminal cancer caused by anti-cancer treatments. It's sickening.

    I'm sorry this is happening to you. I'm lucky that I can be with my brother in his last days. I feel for you, I really do.
    January 4th, 2009 at 05:04pm
  • Sophy-Marie

    Sophy-Marie (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    So do I. And it always hurts the people who dont deserve it.
    Your not the only one who's had it hurt so many people you love.
    My family is cancer central, I swear.

    I wish wishing it away would work.
    January 4th, 2009 at 04:44pm