Religious Tolerance - Comments

  • She can't tolerate the fact that christians believe in a Mary that contradicts the Historical characteristics of a jewish woman of that time
    January 8th, 2009 at 09:42am
  • Mmmm. I'm not sure I agree with you. I mean, acceptance and tolerance is two different things. Just because she disagrees with Mary's character doesn't mean she's being intolerant. I'm a Christian myself, but I get that not everyone is and I can understand why people would disagree with some things that are taught in Christianity.
    January 7th, 2009 at 06:46pm
  • I'm saying that her hate towards church made her think that the priest was in fact insulting her cousing and not complimenting her. The fact that she does not tolerate the religious belief that Mary was wise and saint and replaces mary for the "historical" Mary (ignorant, letting herself be controlled, dirty, etc) etc.. is the tip of the iceberg of her religious intolerance.
    January 7th, 2009 at 09:36am
  • I'm confused. Are you saying that she's intolerant of religion because of her comment about religion. I don't see how what she said would be intolerance. It was rude, yea, but I don't think it was intolerant. It's just her opinion. Maybe I didn't get what you were trying to say.
    January 7th, 2009 at 02:44am
  • "Self-proclaimed atheists" nug the shit out of me. They think they're so smart, and insult anyone who's religious, or who at least thinks they should let the religious be religious. I was raised Mormon, but I'm really not into church anymore; I think organized religion is a pain, it's just not for me. However, I don't have a problem with religious people.(so long as they're not psycho fanatis who think we're all going to burn in the eternal fires of hell if we don't agree with everything we say). as it is, religion itself is not a problem, people make it a problem. It's a very controversil issue, and I don't think it should be. We should all just accept who we are and who others are, and not make a big thing of it. We're all just people, after all. What does it matter if you believe in Buddha, God, Allah, the Goddess, or no ruling power at all? No one knows for sure.
    January 7th, 2009 at 02:32am
  • I don't really mind religious people. I have almost as little empathy for people that bash religion as I do for religious people that bash non-religious people. It's wasteful and immature. >_<
    January 7th, 2009 at 02:08am
  • some people seem to go out of their way to find conflict in what people say.
    where religion is involved it seems quite easy to do that.
    i used to consider myself atheist, and i think i was very immature back then too. i still have a lot of growing up to do, but... really, it's scary considering myself more mature than people older than me purely because i can tolerate people and they can't. o.o
    it really makes people look bad.
    January 7th, 2009 at 01:34am
  • Some people have issues with different religions. Some are less tolerable than others.
    January 7th, 2009 at 01:17am