My own little world, anyone intrested to read? - Comments

  • Coin-Operated Angel

    Coin-Operated Angel (600)

    United States
    I think we own have our own idea of what wonderland should be. Yours may not be good for certain people, but what matters is that it's good enough for you. We all have a wonderland of our own. A sanctuary where we can hide in our madness. It's all a matter of if you can find it and embrace it, because it is yours. And anyone you wanted to go there would be there.

    It's a dream we all have, but I give anyone credit who admits to it. I dream of a better place too. Who knows. Maybe one of us will get it one day. And maybe, just maybe, we'll see one another there.

    What a perplexed wonderment this is, talking of wonderland. It's joyous it is. Curious, but truly truly joyous.
    January 12th, 2009 at 02:14am