Who believes in bisexuals? - Comments

  • Exodus

    Exodus (100)

    I personally don't think there is. Some of my friends say they are Bi (or in one girls case pansexual same damn thing though)

    I think they just do it for attention regardless of what kind. Get them known by other people.

    The people who do it just for the attention are being stupid though. I have always had people come up to me asking me if I'm bi or lesbian because I tend to check people out without realizing it. The ones who say they are bi and are just doing it for the attention reasons don't get that. They say they are but they have never felt the awkwardness that sometimes comes along with that.

    You can't honestly say that you kissed a person of the same gender and that you are bi so what if you have? every one has before at one point or another.

    So I really just think it's becoming more of a trend then anything else now. I mean now everyone is saying they are bi and it's 'cool' to be. half of them probably wouldn't be if it wasn't cool.

    I've noticed that it's mostly girls who say they are bi then guys who just say they are gay.
    February 1st, 2009 at 01:55am
  • colour me stupid

    colour me stupid (150)

    United States
    I just think that people who are like "yes, I'm 13 but I kissed another girl/boy so I'm bi" are just wanting attention. Because for some reason it's almost cool now....

    But they don't realize how much stuff true gay/lesbian/bisexual(the real ones) go through. Like, there's no welcoming committee or secret club or anything. There's a lot of inner and outer conflicts that arise. A lot of name calling.

    They think it's cool to be resented by their family because it makes them "bad"..... But real gay/lesbian/bisexual(the REAL ones) often suffer from it.

    It really bothers me....
    I like this journal, it lets me rant....

    But I do believe in bisexuals, THE REAL ONES, and think they deserve some credit because the fake attention-seeking self-proclaimed "emo" kids give them a bad name.
    January 25th, 2009 at 10:07pm
  • The Marty Parade

    The Marty Parade (100)

    I do believe there's people who fall in love with someone, no matter what gender. I believe in bisexuality.
    However I do not believe in all of these fourteen, fifteen year old girls claiming that they're bi and flaunt it all over their profiles. Not only girls tho, boys too.
    As most of them girls/boys also say that they're "emo".
    I guess they think that that's a part of "emo". That you're supposed to be bisexual to be as "alternative" as possible.
    Taking pictures of kissing their best friend, just to "prove" that they actually are bi when in reality they probably don't even have feelings for them.
    Just like somebody else said, it's a trend now, and it's sad.

    And oh, I absolutely hate people who say "I'm a proud bisexual."
    What is there to be proud of? It's just like any other sexuality.
    I don't go around saying "I'm straight and proud!!!"

    But yeah my point is, there are people who are bisexual for real.
    And then there's a bunch of insecure kids just trying to fit in.
    January 24th, 2009 at 09:50pm
  • spazz fa-reak

    spazz fa-reak (100)

    United States

    but what about who you are ATTRACTED to. I understand feelings. If you close your eyes, it doesn't matter. I'm not ruling out the possibility that I may possibly fall in love with a guy one day.I'm hella open minded, but I know i could NEVER be attracted to a boy. There's a difference.
    January 24th, 2009 at 05:19pm
  • spazz fa-reak

    spazz fa-reak (100)

    United States

    ^$#^#^ i forgot that whole "proving it" thing. A lot of bi people shove it in your face and you're like, okay. i get it. The only people who know I'm gay are my closest friends, some people who guessed, and my mother. I don't understand where they get off throwing it up in the air like that. It's a big deal. I almost hoope they get beat for it, honestly. It's not funny. It's not cool.
    January 24th, 2009 at 05:17pm
  • Roonil Wazlib.

    Roonil Wazlib. (150)

    United Kingdom
    I think bi is a sexual orientation. Same as gay and straight. Gay people are attracted to people of their own gender. And straight people to people of the opposite. Why can't people be attracted to both?
    I understand the trend thing, and I honestly don't think you should judge all bisexuals off a bunch of tweens thinking it's "br00tal" to be bisexual. That'd be pretty ignorant.
    And I'm really sorry about your girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend. It must've been really horrible and humiliating. -hug-
    January 23rd, 2009 at 05:27pm
  • UmpaLumpa.

    UmpaLumpa. (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    "/ I'm fifteen and I've had a girlfriend for eight months.
    But I've no idea if I'm bi or gay ):
    I've had no experience with a guy... and I don't really want to.
    I know I'm probably too young to know yet. But I'm positive I'm not straight.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 10:52am
  • Ryuuk

    Ryuuk (100)

    I do believe in bisexual, but like many have said most people just pretend to be or aren’t sure for certain. I am bisexual. I don’t fall in love with someone based on their gender, I fall in love based on their personality. I also have been with a girl before who claims to be bi, but after being with her and afterwards I really don’t think she is even though her still says she is (that was about two and a half years ago). And I also agree with the ones below who have said it takes time to figure out your orientation.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 09:47am
  • spockface

    spockface (100)

    United States
    *claps hands for Tinkerbell*

    But seriously, that sucks. I hope you feel better.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 08:48am
  • Jinxeh

    Jinxeh (805)

    United States
    I don't really say it all of the time, or keep it on my profile or anything like that, but I can assure you that I am bi, though not necessarily split evenly when considering my attraction for opposite genders.

    However, I'm also almost twenty-one years old. And I know someone will get all up on me for it, but I have a hard time taking anyone seriously when they're thirteen or fourteen years old and go around saying, "LOL I'M BI AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT F*CK OFF LOL," all of the time. Honestly, if you're really that certain about your sexuality, you wouldn't need to go around insisting it so often. When you're a teenager, your hormones are going crazy...who even knows what you want. Come back when you're at least eighteen, sweetie, and then maybe I'll start taking you seriously.

    By the way, I know what it's like to be burned in that kind of way. I'm so suspicious of other bi girls, and I know it's unfair but...jeez. I asked out a girl who was always going around screaming she's bi...I should have gotten a clue then, but whatever...and it turns out she was just doing it for attention, like I suspect a good 80% of the Internet's population is. I'd hardly ever been so humiliated. I get where you're coming from, and it sucks.

    *All young kids who think they're bi and have a problem with what I've said: don't even bother commenting on my profile or whatever and saying, "UH YOU'RE WRONG, I AM BI KTHNX," because I honestly don't care.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 07:40am
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    I agree with colour me stupid. I think it's mostly an experimental thing. I do have a friend who claims to be bi, but she seems to do better with guys, so maybe it's a phase, I don't know. And I agree about the 12 year olds calling themselves bi...it takes some time and real in depth thinking and soul searching to understand something that big about yourself.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 05:25am
  • whyamistillonhere

    whyamistillonhere (100)

    United States
    I don't know, in all honesty. I've never really dwelled that much on being bisexual to really come up with an opinion. I prefer to keep a "whatever" attitude and let someone call themselves and do whatever they want.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 04:49am
  • Olivia Colby

    Olivia Colby (100)

    United States
    I only believe in bi/curious. Due to personal experience, no bisexuality is not real to me. Everyone has tendencies but you're either one side or the other. Raw, hard, unforgiving truth. At least for my town anyways...
    January 23rd, 2009 at 03:35am
  • spazz fa-reak

    spazz fa-reak (100)

    United States
    colour me stupid- yeah, that's what i worried about too. then it became a reality haha. We're not even friends anymore. Lonngg sotry. And I want to believe in bisexuals, i really do. it's just wierd for me. I don't understand being attracted to men. I really don't, lol. and don't worry you will find the one you're looking for when you need him or her
    January 23rd, 2009 at 02:46am
  • colour me stupid

    colour me stupid (150)

    United States
    I think some people do say they're bi because they're confused. Some may just use you as an experiment. I'm really sorry about your ex-girlfriend =[
    I admit, I'm still confused. I know I like other girls. I don't know about guys. So I don't really label myself as bi....
    But I think there are people who are honestly attracted to both sexes, and who have thought long and hard about it.
    My girlfriend is bi and I'm so worried one day she'll wake up and realize she doesn't really love me as anything more than a friend =/

    Case in point: Sexuality is so confusing, and I don't think anyone can be 100% sure of themselves until they're an adult. Teenagers have RAGING hormones.

    If you need someone to talk to, I'm here, and I'll always listen. Because break-ups suck =[
    January 23rd, 2009 at 02:41am
  • spazz fa-reak

    spazz fa-reak (100)

    United States
    right?! it's ALWAYS the girls. because girls are stupid and dramatic. but i love 'em.
    yeah i always knew too.. when i came out to my mom though, she goes "but you're so much more feminine then you used to be" haha i was laughing
    i agree with you there too. i think EVERYONE should be bisexual. that'd be fucking awesome. no more gaydar haha
    and yeah i've tried to like guys too. me and you have a lot in common =)
    January 23rd, 2009 at 02:36am
  • XLiveXLearnX

    XLiveXLearnX (100)

    United States
    This is really sad that you are the ONLY girl I have come across saying she was gay and not 'bi'
    As for bisexuality I think that right now its a trend. Which is sad because love should never be a trend.
    In reality it should be the highest form of love because it goes beyond the physical and strait to the actual person. But that isn't the case.
    I think to avoid the horror of confusion kids say they're 'bi' just like 'emo' and all the other cliques.
    As for me I was born gay. Even when you're as young as 4 you know. Just like you have little girls playing 'bride' I never came out but everyone had suspisions.
    As I got older my mom started telling me how hard the lifestyle was and I didn't care but then my brother/bestfriend begged me not to be gay because he was scared. So I tried to like guys after a while I did but I still like girls more.
    So in reality I guess I would be 'bi' but I never wanted to be
    January 23rd, 2009 at 02:28am
  • spazz fa-reak

    spazz fa-reak (100)

    United States
    the narrarator- I just like teasing them. It's really funny. They get so mad. But i don't really agree with you. The only way they can be mature is if like they';ve HAD to grow up, I think.
    Everyone wants to be odler now.. I just WISH i could be 12 again.
    And I understand being curious at that age. I was.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 02:27am
  • spazz fa-reak

    spazz fa-reak (100)

    United States
    finksgirls- i agree with you. It's because it's "cool" and I'm happy your friend admitted he was gay, haha i always love when it comes onto my side lmao =) I'm such a jerk >.< And don't be sorry. I'm over it and her, I'm better off. We all have to go through things, and I'm thankful mine was as easy as it was.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 02:24am
  • spazz fa-reak

    spazz fa-reak (100)

    United States
    sardonic steph- but could you imagine yourself marrying a girl? and being honest about it? or are you just experimenting? experimenting is fine. it's natural. people are justt aking it to the next level and it's fucking ridiculous.
    January 23rd, 2009 at 02:23am