I Just Don't Care Enough. - Comments

  • Ska

    Ska (100)

    United States
    Hey, hey.
    It's always nice (err, or rather, not so nice) to see someone in nearly the same situation. =/
    I've been up that alley, though it was my mom constantly telling me I didn't need pills. And now she's on them.
    Don't worry, the therapist really is just trying to help you and your mother as much as possible and it's completely okay to cry.
    I cried many a time while in sessions because that was the only place I felt safe enough to cry. At home, I was busy being strong and holding everything together for everyone else.

    Try to be selfish every once in awhile. Take yourself out, treat yourself. Care about what you think and what you want. Everyone else isn't going to be able to use you as their wall forever. And sometimes, walls need a little help standing strong, too.
    February 4th, 2009 at 03:11pm