What happened in my reoccuring dream 2-4-09 - Comments

  • Isn't That Kinky?

    Isn't That Kinky? (160)

    United States
    Okay, so. The girl is just another person. I think that the Hot Topic, for you, is a place of comfort, in a place you do not know (the world symbolized by the hallway). Then the mansion is, like, a big place filled with average people (you are the only person who stands out, the only person you know). Then you turn a corner a milestone, maybe, or a change in your life). Then, when everyone dies, and you feel scared, it's means that you are afraid that if you make a change in your life (I think) that you are afraid everyone will leave (or, you know, die). Then you scream, because the screaming might be from someone else, and you are scared for them, or of them. Also, you may be screaming because you are alone, and you do not like to be alone. I don't know. But that's what it might be about. Sorry for the mongo-comment.
    February 5th, 2009 at 12:34am