How am I supposed to Please my parents AND enjoy myself?? - Comments

  • piano-star28

    piano-star28 (100)

    New Zealand
    Thanks you guys,
    I think I was in just a really bad mood yesterday. They're not always like that, my parents I mean, That was just the absolute worst they've ever gotten lolz.

    hmmmm relating everything back to trucks, I've tried that. At the moment my brother is getting teacher aide help at school, We're all hoping this might be something that will actually work. Thanks for all your help
    February 8th, 2009 at 08:54am
  • xXxCactusxXx

    xXxCactusxXx (100)

    my sis is like that...she hates me so much..i just gave up on her...
    February 8th, 2009 at 03:31am
  • Softest..

    Softest.. (100)

    Wow your parents sound like assholes. Since they don't seem like the kind of people who will rationalize in a discussion try to write them a letter explaining how you feel.
    Or tell a trusted adult like a teacher and get them to tell them what they're doing is absurd. It's not your fault your brother refuses to learn.
    February 7th, 2009 at 01:27pm
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    With your brother-I really don't know. It seems you've tried almost everything. The only other thing I can think of, is well, what does he like? Say its trucks. Relate EVERYTHING back to trucks. Something he knows a lot about cuz he likes it, a sport maybe. You get the idea. Everything has to be turned straight back to that.
    And I don't know where your parents get off punishing you for not being ABLE to teach your brother. That's just stupid.
    Screw them. Everything fun in life is either illegal or 'morally' wrong, so you might as well say 'fuck it' now and go ahead and do what you want. [Within reason.]
    February 7th, 2009 at 10:12am
  • ToastAndJam

    ToastAndJam (150)

    United States
    Holy crap your parents sound horrible. That sounds beyond unfair that they would punish you because your brother doesn't learn. That doesn't even make sense. And to answer the question in your title - you're not. It's the irony of life. Everything fun is either banned or too complicated to get around the parents and do.

    And I really can't help you with trying to tutor your brother. To me, it seems like you've tried pretty much everything. I think your parents need to lay off of you and get him some professional help if he isn't doing well in school. Obviously you're not doing well in teaching him - regardless of how hard you try.

    Eh, I don't know. Good luck. Hopefully your parents will lay off and let you have some fun. They seem like they're putting way too much pressure on you. You're a teenager, you should be having fun and focusing on school - not focusing all your time, energy and attention to your brother. It seems like your parents should pitch in more. They shouldn't just rely on you and then guilt trip you when you try to have fun.
    February 7th, 2009 at 10:00am