Maybe we should start a PROTEST - Comments

  • I agree :)
    But I also think that with time the Jonas Brother and Twilight-Replica authors will get bored and it'll go back to how it was.
    That's what I'm hoping, anyway.
    February 28th, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • Its been tried before. A certain group of users got banned.>> Its a good effort though.
    February 25th, 2009 at 08:41pm
  • "Assaulting" anyone won't do a thing to change the rules, or get the mods/admin to listen to us. If anything, it will probably just result in more rules - that no one will follow - and more brassed-off rebellion.

    If they had more people to help run the site, however? That might be an improvement. Also - and I mean no offense to the younger members here - it would be nice if we could get some older mods and editors active on this site, too. I respect all that they do now, but a large majority of them are teenagers themselves. It's a little irksome, I know, for some of us who are no longer teenagers to have to turn to a fifteen-year-old to solve our problems for us. (Yeah, yeah, cue the crapstorm of, "Oh my god, shut up, just because I'm younger doesn't mean...etc," comments.)

    I also wish they could let more people be story editors. I would love to be one, and I know several other members would, too, but every time we bring it up one of the mods will say, "No, we don't need more editors right now." Yet with the number of fics here that break the rules, showcase horrible grammar or spelling, or have unacceptable titles...the number of editors we have now clearly can't keep up with them all.
    February 25th, 2009 at 05:49pm