Situations... - Comments

  • It's Not Wrong To Feel Betrayed, I Would...
    April 25th, 2009 at 12:56am
  • Well see that's the thing...
    I'm paying equal attention to both...though one is newer and one is why couldn't friend 1 give me the same courtesy???? Friend 2 is very kind though no matter who they're talking too, so I don't blame her...
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:46am
  • I personally don't think it's wrong of you to feel betrayed. It's human nature to feel jealous, and where you've known one for so long, and then the other for not as long, I can completely understand what you're saying.
    I think it was a little harsh of you to ask of her not to talk to Friend 2, however I can understand with why you'd do that - you're feelings are hurt, you're slightly jealous, it's natural. I don't think you were wrong to ask her to read your things first, I mean, you were her friend first, therefore you deserve priority in my opinion. She should definately talk to you, if not to apologize, but simply to talk things through.
    I really think that's all you can both do in this current situation; explain to her how you're feeling and why, and then she can explain things to you, and everything will span out from there? It could just be because the friendship between your two friends is newer, therefore they're paying attention more to one another then to you. I wouldn't know. Just talk things through and see how it goes from there, okay? <3
    (I suck at advice, I apologize).
    March 17th, 2009 at 11:07pm