Taylor Evan Simmons. - Comments

  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • XxNakedxJuicexX

    XxNakedxJuicexX (100)

    United States
    i know what you mean losing a good friend sucks major ass and more or a releative. i hate the thought of death even if its some one i dont know. i';l keep taylor in my prayers and he is apart of the stars at night..... remember the good time you had with him and like my mom said to me when my uncle died of cancer and my 8 yr. old cousin because a stupid dentist didnt do his job right she said mourn for them but not everyday because thy will not rest in peace knowing that you wont be alright. be stronge and most of all know that they loved you and will watch over you and be the first to come when you need them
    October 8th, 2009 at 10:05am
  • neon.heart

    neon.heart (100)

    United States
    i know u don't know me but...
    if u ever need someone to talk to or be there for u i'm here to listen.
    -hugs u- i'm so very sorry about your loss and i know i'm really late to say so but i'm confident in the fact that Taylor still loves u and always will. it's a little cheesy to say this but as long as u keep him in ur heart he will as well. again i'm sorry. feel better sweetie
    take care,
    May 29th, 2009 at 12:45am
  • A7Xmcs

    A7Xmcs (100)

    United States
    I never really thanked him enough for the things he did for me. I hope he knew that i loved him, and that i'm sorry i couldn't be there for him more. i hope he know's that he's still one of my best friends. and influenced me for the better. i just hope i can use those influences to make a difference in my life. to show him that i learned from him, and that i loved him more then anything else in this world. he was my best friend. always will be.

    He knows. That's all I can really say. He does...he can see and read what you wrote and I'm pretty sure that even when he was with us/you he knew.

    There, I guess, is nothing that I can say that will make things better but than to offer love and help even though I'm so far away. This is one more test in a long line of many that will be thrown at you in life and let me tell you something...if there's anyone that can get through it, it's you. I offer hugs and love from a distance. I'm here for you, Sammi-baby! ILY
    March 22nd, 2009 at 02:31pm
  • byebye.beautiful

    byebye.beautiful (100)

    i am so sorry,
    be strong, i wish you the best of luck
    March 22nd, 2009 at 04:50am
  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    I'm so sorry.
    Take all the time you need to get back on track.
    We understand.
    March 21st, 2009 at 07:36pm
  • losingXmyXreligion

    losingXmyXreligion (100)

    i love you
    March 21st, 2009 at 06:27pm
  • MillieInWonderland.

    MillieInWonderland. (100)

    United States
    I'm so sorry dear.
    I've had my fair share of friends pass away, so I kind of know what you're going through.
    It doesn't ever stop hurting. My best friend Jaden took his own life two years ago, and not a day goes by that I don't think about him.
    But there are good, healthy ways to cope.
    Make friends with sad music. It's a good way to vent. Just sing along and pour your feelings out.
    At least that always works for me.
    AAAND OLI. Listen to Oli.

    Stay strong, sweetheart.
    March 21st, 2009 at 04:11pm