Reasons why I like Marilyn Manson [Written in a very enthusiastic way] - Comments

  • AINTisBack

    AINTisBack (150)

    United States
    Hi, I'm here to tell you that you're an idiot. I'm a huge Manson fan and you are obviously not. I can't believe you're comparing Manson to Alice Cooper... they're nothing alike. At all. Alice Cooper created a character which is a serial killer, a drug addict, and someone with no respect for authority. He is playing a role. Manson on the other hand is flipping common morals and ideals for you to challenge them and look at them a certain way. It's not entertainment although performance-wise there is theatrics but not to the extent of Alice Cooper. The song "new model No. 15" is criticizing that sort of behavior. Manson's performance is very sexual I won't deny that. But just don't talk about things you know nothing about. Mechanical Animals is the story of how someone became something they hated... that's why there is a transition from "Marilyn Manson" to "Omega and the Mechanical Animals". Omega means "the end" and the number "15" is Manson's birthday January 5, which obviously means the beginning. He is not condoning that sort of behavior. I can't believe you don't hear the satire in that song. It's laughable. Next time you wish to "school" me, do some research.
    May 25th, 2009 at 07:31pm
  • Emenius Sleepus

    Emenius Sleepus (100)

    United States
    You are conforming to something I hate to tell you Manson himself conforms every single day to the entertainment industry, he's also just another washed up Alice Cooper wannabe from the trenches of America's gothic youth. His music isn't inspired by superficial things like looks or sex HAVE YOU HEARD the song New model number 15 or how about Cake and Sodomy, maybe everlasting c*cksucker... yeah they seem pretty sexually themed to me but maybe im tired. As for bands today plenty a giant plethora of one's I can list that outdo him. Hasn't anyone told you to keep an open mind about music..? For the record. I like old manson.
    April 2nd, 2009 at 07:14am
  • out of order.

    out of order. (100)

    United States
    Technically you'd be talking about Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids.
    I have a friend who fair likes them.

    Since Manson is an artist as well as a musician (if you can call him that), I suppose the transition makes his music slightly artistic.

    They're also not like all bands nowadays because of their stage antics.
    Engaging in sexual activity?
    Throwing puppies into the crowd and stating they're not playing until they're dead?
    I disapprove.

    But yes, the music is fairly enjoyable.
    April 2nd, 2009 at 02:05am