So I'm Contemplating on Deleting My Quizilla Account? - Comments

  • i agree...those are some of the reasons i don't use mine anymore
    June 30th, 2009 at 03:29am
  • Its ok! Sometimes, you need to let all of your emotions out and then you'll be able to sort through things! Its just the way we humans work...unless...ur not human...
    LOLZ! JK, Jk.

    I'm Kristen, FYI. Nice to meet you.

    Yes, I definatly agree with you on the Quizilla part. I go on there myself...barely, though.... I'm "nerdygrrl" on quizilla.
    My story is a basic HP Fan-Fic, but not like those romance story involves action, adventure, death, cliff-hangers after cliff-hangers, excitment...a TINY WINY bit of romance (not yet)...and yet, I GET NOT MUCH ATTENTION!
    Yes, HP fan fiction stuff is not in anymore on Quizilla, but I've been trying to write!

    I do hope that you will get things straight with ur BF. If u r really 13, then Middle-School relationships are usually like this: on and off or dating for only a few days or a week or 2. And if ur lucky, u'll be going out with someone for a few months until one person breaks the others heart!!!!

    *rolls eyes and laughs*

    Its just the way it works....
    April 8th, 2009 at 08:55pm