The difference between men and women? - Comments

  • v Well, I don't live in America, but in Europe, I hear it's pretty common.
    Like in major companies, director jobs, higher places like that.
    April 7th, 2009 at 02:44pm
  • Auroria Lenore, what job makes them sign a contract?
    Because out in America, that would be illegal...
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:56pm
  • I have to say this, normally I agree with you,
    but in this case I can only agree to a certain degree...
    Yes we get paid the same basically,
    But the fact is there's still sexist people out there,
    This manager sleeps with all his cashiers,
    and my brother's fiancee put a claim against him,
    Because he treats her like crap just b/c she wont f-ck him.
    But nothing is being done about it at all...

    I don't think the feminist women should be set to a deserted desert,
    I think that type of punishment should be for the rapists and murders,
    There's plenty of types of people that piss me off to no extent,
    But feminist women don't bug me b/c I haven't heard from them,
    I don't hear about them to be honest,
    I don't hear their bitching anymore as you would call it...

    I think everyone's stereotyped,
    Some girls think they should be pampered,
    Guys think they own their girlfriends/wives,
    and it's just a big mess... ><
    I personally think women should stay at home,
    Men should work outside and bring the $ in...
    People call me pathetic for thinking this way,
    But honestly the only reason men are built for work,
    Is because they're supposed to be the ones working...

    I'm not one to complain about that type of thing,
    any woman that's pissed off b/c they should stay home cook clean take care of kids,
    Are obviously dumbasses and I only say this,
    because both of my parents work,
    My mom used to be a stay at home mom,
    My dad works ALL THE TIME,
    Even when he's sick he goes in unless it's too bad,
    A devoted father that does anything to bring the $ home...

    Difference between women and men?
    Women use their brains (some guys are really dumb when it comes to easy things)...
    The reason men make more $ back then was b/c of their education,
    Because women weren't allowed education way back in the day...

    But nowadays the reason they make more $ is the type of profession they're in...
    I don't think a cashier should be given the same amount of $ as a lifter...
    SO ya... ><
    Sorry if I sound jumbled, I'm a wee bit loopy lol
    This is probably hella long too...
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:55pm
  • There's still places where femenism is needed -- like those places you hear about where women get mutilated and get executed for not obeying their husbands.
    So until the world is all harmonious, femenism shall have to live on. Sorry. :)
    April 6th, 2009 at 04:36pm
  • Firstly, feminism is not about hating men, it's about female equality.
    Second, why should women who want to be equal to men go desert themselves from all of the world, just because they aren't going to stand getting payed less then men, even though both work as equally productive.
    Don't get me started on the pressure to be portrayed as the "the perfect woman" in the world, which includes being a good housewife, mother, daughter, sister, educated, beautiful and attractive and a business woman.
    Excuse me, but try doing all of that(while getting payed less than a man) then come back and tell me how you think feminists are idiots.

    And unfortunately, men are still inferior to women on a lot of levels.

    Did anybody ever stop to think that the reason they are in these high places is because they paid attention in school, put all the hard work in and are good at their jobs?
    And did you ever stop to think that maybe not all of them went down that road, but got their jobs and high positions because they have lots of connections(but that's a whole other subject)?

    Even in commercials you have two types of women - the attractive sex symbol, who mostly sells make-up and vanity products; and the housewives who sell cleaning products and kitchen products.
    Where is the educated smart woman who's doing her thing and being successful?
    There isn't any, at least not in any commercial I've seen, lately!

    Furthermore, there are still many companies which make women sign a contract that they will not have children within 5 years of working there or won't have children at all. And if they do get pregnant, they can legally fire them. And if they don't sign, well, there's no way they're getting that job.

    Now, who's equal?
    I, as a woman, am not; but I do wish to be and I will strive to be.
    April 6th, 2009 at 01:02pm
  • You forgot that women can have multiple orgasms.


    Yeah, i agree with you to a large degree. One of the main reasons women aren't as represented in CEO positions is because quite often they have different goals; They want to have children or they're happy in the position they currently hold. It doesn't help that the entry rate into Business School is like 10% women or something.

    April 6th, 2009 at 08:23am
  • Ahem:

    Feminist here. I don't hate men. The vast majority of us don't. People do like to jump to that conclusion when we call them out on their sexist actions, though. I wonder why.

    Did anybody ever stop to think that the reason they are in these high places is because they paid attention in school, put all the hard work in and are good at their jobs?
    And women... what, don't do those things?
    April 6th, 2009 at 06:53am
  • I agree with you, sure, but feminism is still very much needed.

    Women still face inequalities. Instead of being seen as mothers, daughters, sisters, and sometimes contrubuting members of society, women are seen as sexual objects to be disposed at will.

    Of course, those are only in extreme cases. But still...
    April 6th, 2009 at 06:37am
  • You forgot that women can have multiple orgasms.
    April 6th, 2009 at 06:26am