What do you do when your best friend doesn’t make the effort anymore? - Comments

  • Darling! I know exactly how you feel, because my best friend of seven years did this same thing to me, but the sad thing was, we were still going to the same school together. She put horrible people before me and stopped being a friend.

    So, from personal experience, the best thing you could do is bring it up to her. If she actually cares, she'll understand and make an effort to be your friend again. I hope things work out.
    April 8th, 2009 at 10:16pm
  • I've been threw the same thing, trust me and I think you should call her, if you can't talk in person then you need to adress it on the phone. I've lost a best friend because of her boyfriend, I'm currently almost losing my BFF because of almost the same thing...

    If that call doesn't work, then my only suggestion is to stop contacting her. Actually, I suggest stop contacting her for two weeks, make her contact you. Then if she doesn't then call her, be prepared to let her go...

    That isn't a true bestfriend, and people say true besties are there even threw the hard times, don't listen to their bull crap, because there's only soo much abuse one can take... Ok?
    April 6th, 2009 at 10:46pm
  • Tell her.
    I've been through the EXACT same situation twice now - so i've exercised the two main routes (tell them/don't tell them).
    I'm sad to say i lost the friend i didn't tell. She was one of my closest friends and now, we'll be friendly if we see each other randomly, but there's no contact, and neither of us really have the desire to bridge that gap anymore.
    The friend i did tell, was a bit annoyed at first, and we had a mini argument and didn't speak for a day or so, but then we sorted it out and we're back to normality again, so personally i think that's the only way you can solve it!
    Good luck x
    and p.s. let me know if it works!
    April 6th, 2009 at 05:59pm
  • I went through the same thing last year when my best friend of 10 years started blowing me off for her other friends. It hurt a lot, so I just would start making little comments about how I was feeling and one day I wrote her a letter explaining how I was feeling. I don't regret doing that but it didn't help the situation at all. My friend showed the letter to her mom and her mom said I was overreacting and that I was jealous because Shelly had other friends. Then to make matters worse, my friend told her other friend that I didn't like her which resulted in us having a verbal altercation.
    What worked for me was I just ignored my friend for a while. Once she realized that I wasn't going to be fighting for her friendship anymore she started to come hang out with me more. Now I'm not saying this will work for you but I would say try ignoring her for a while and if that doesn't work then tell her. I hope this has helped in some way.
    PS comment me and tell me if either method works :]
    April 6th, 2009 at 03:51pm
  • I'VE SOOOOOO BEEN THROUGH THIS with a girl I thought was my best friend.
    We used to spend every weekend together.. and then, when I turned scene from preppy, she just up and shut me out of her life. I got mad at her, everyone told her I was mad at her. Then, she came to me. Asking why. Like she didn't know why. Just seriously talk to her about it. Both me and the other frend were fragile in nature, bu I decided that it takes two to tango. You both need to put an effort forth or you'll fail epicly, leaving one of you with a twisted ankle.
    April 6th, 2009 at 03:23pm
  • Tell her. Your best friends, tell her you really want to do something with her. Ask her if next week or something is free for you two to hang out. If not keep trying until it is.

    But if you two are really best friends, she'll understand if you tell her how you've been feeling. Just don't give up, and tell her she's a really important friend to you.
    April 6th, 2009 at 01:52pm