Read Me, Mibbians. Please. - Comments

  • I understand what you're saying, and I agree. I also disagree. Yes, the stories on mibba are definitely not top quality. Yes, it's like digging for gold in a coal mine to find a decent story. But there are many, many amateur writers here, me included. There are also people from countless different countries, who aren't the best with English. I'm not quite sure how "united" mibba was as a community before I joined, because I've only been on mibba for a year or so. However, I do see where you're coming from. I do think that any trouble-makers or spam-posters should be removed from mibba. There are many useless users that just come here for fun, and there are those who come here to get feedback and hopefully, over time, see a dramatic improvement in their writing, I am here for both, but more the latter. Mibba is changing thoough, and it's a shame.
    March 4th, 2010 at 09:33pm
  • That's the biggest reason I came to Mibba: to read stories from other
    intelligent people. I'd really like to see Mibba for the reason I came here.
    (Though our Myspace style comments are definately a good thing. =D )
    April 10th, 2009 at 06:23pm
  • I just realized
    I read your stories!
    I'm the only commenter on one of them which makes me cry because its such a beautiful story
    I love you and your writing
    April 9th, 2009 at 08:42pm
  • I agree with you
    New stories from new users I avoid - I stick with users I know, love and trust
    I'm happy being basically the only person who writes Taking Back Sunday fics - I know by doing so I'm not going to get many comments/reviews so I've really stopped caring
    If someone's wanting to read what I write then I will thank them for every last darn comment they leave me but if people don't want to read about Taking Back Sunday then they know to avoid my stories. I do adore the feedback I get but it's usually from friends who I read the stories of so they read mine =]

    You take a risk by posting anything on any writing site and by also reading anything on any writing site so we really shouldn't complain =]
    April 9th, 2009 at 08:41pm
  • It feels very isolating here now, but that may be just me but I see where you are coming from but unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about it.

    I've stopped looking for stories to read here for most of my favourite authors have either quit or a decent story is rare to find. I have also stopped writing here because it's just pointless. It's not that I want my stories to be hounded with comments but it's just that amongst the thousands of stories being churned out here (Not saying they're all bad) it's unlikely that yours will be found.

    Despite that, my writing has improved since coming on here and also on another writing site. Before coming here I was awful, no joke. Looking back at my first ever fan-fic makes me want to cringe.

    So, instead of being an 'out-there' Mibbian, (Out-there not being any bad term at all) I prefer to stick to the shadows and just lurk about.
    April 9th, 2009 at 07:16pm
  • It's a risk you take on any writing website. There's no "writing test" to take before you're allowed to post, and not everyone is a fantastic writer. Never mind that this is an amateur writing website to start with. I do understand the frustration that comes with the less-than-awesome writing here, but at the same time...that's kind of why a lot of those writers are here; to learn how to better themselves with their writing skills, or even lack thereof, which means posting what they can now and getting feedback. I don't think anyone understands just quite how bad I was at writing when I first started posting things on the web. I was among the worst of the worst, seriously. But the years went by and I received feedback on how to improve myself, and now...I'm doing okay, I think. That's kind of the point of this site, though it gets lost in translation sometimes.

    It does kind of suck that Mibba is losing the "family" feel it had before, but with expansion and growth that's just something that happens naturally. No amount of troll-hunting or badfic-deleting is ever going to reverse what has been done, either. It sucks, but it's just the way of it.
    April 9th, 2009 at 06:16pm
  • I agree with you. I don't even look for new stories anymore. I just stick to the few Im subscribed to and maybe read on some that are recommended.
    But other than that, I stick to reading journals..
    April 9th, 2009 at 06:15pm
  • Ah, I see where you're coming from.
    I haven't read stories here in ages because it's just too heartbreaking to see Mibba slowly becoming something it should never be.
    April 9th, 2009 at 06:14pm