tragus piercing - Comments

  • Jinxeh

    Jinxeh (805)

    United States
    It won't be super-difficult to hide, but I've always been of the, "You should get your parents' permission anyway, and if you can't - seriously, you can't wait a couple of years until you're moved out?" mindset. In my experience, hiding things like piercings from your parents just doesn't end well. When I got my septum pierced, I showed my mom. When I started stretching my ears? Same deal. Same with my eyebrow, and snakebites (though I retired those a couple of years ago). And because I've always been honest with my parents, and have never hidden things like this from them, they've learned to trust my judgement and just trust me in general. Because of that, nowadays I can say, "Hey, I think I'm going to go get a tattoo tomorrow," and instead of flipping out my father would be more likely to say, "Cool. What parlor are you going to? They're safe and sterile, right?"

    Plus, if your parents know about's just better. Imagine if it gets infected. Not only would you have to admit, "Oh, hey, so I got this piercing..." but also, "By the way, the piercing you didn't know I got is infected." Their trust level in you would go way down just because of that.

    But, like I said, that's just my $0.02...
    April 18th, 2009 at 10:17am
  • broken_city_sky

    broken_city_sky (150)

    I got my conch pierced and successfully hid it from my parents for a few days... and then we were all outside and a gust of wind caught my hair. My mom saw a glimmer of silver and the rest is history. But I was old enough to sign for it myself, like you are, so even though my mom didn't like it, she knew that she couldn't do anything about it because I would just go do it again. So I got it in my other ear as soon as my first one healed lol.
    April 18th, 2009 at 05:57am
  • Ambrielle Paige

    Ambrielle Paige (100)

    United States
    It shouldn't be too difficult to hide. I hide mine from my grandmum because she hates that sort of thing and it's pretty easy as long as you wear your hair in front of it and don't wear any super flashy jewelry. Though talking to them about it may just be easier. You are 17 so I don't see why they would say no if they let you get your nose pierced at 15.
    April 18th, 2009 at 05:43am
  • Lightning Zap

    Lightning Zap (150)

    You mentioned you can sign for yourself. So if that's the case, they can't stop you getting one anyway. If you really want it, then get it, and hide it with your hair for the 6-8 weeks until it heals and then if they find it, they can't do much about it because it's already there... and if they yell at you, you can explain how you can easily take piercings out.
    April 18th, 2009 at 04:51am