i am boared and in risk - Comments

  • HisBeautifulDisaster

    HisBeautifulDisaster (100)

    United States
    Not trying to make a bad day worse, or scare you even more but from what I heard no cure can be made. The swine flu is just like the reguler flu, everytime it comes back it's a differenet straine of it.

    Everyone's in risk of catching it, where I live we'ce closed down all school's for a week. They might even close them down for a while longer, I'm not sure.... depends if anyone else in neighboring my school catches it.

    As for the Government.... I understand why they would lie. I wouldn't tell the truth and have a epidemic of people worrying, even more than they are now. Although I don't think they are lying, I think they are telling us all that they know about the swine flu. They are filling is in as they get information....

    I hope that I didn't scare you to much, or annoy you. Sorry.
    April 29th, 2009 at 07:25pm