See, this is why you should never like music that's older than your parents... - Comments

  • Heart Attack Machine

    Heart Attack Machine (100)

    United States
    Aww, I wish I was her! I've loved that band for 10 effin years, and have never ever seen them! I'd give anything to see them this September, but alas, I'm broke. Your friend is very lucky!

    What band is it that you would like to see, if I may ask?
    May 7th, 2009 at 04:24am
  • Spaztastic

    Spaztastic (640)

    United States
    Lmao. All those bands were apart of my parents' generation! So obviously these bands aren't older than my parents - by much that is.
    I mainly listen to bands from '70 - '90. I like some music that's older than that, too. One of my favorite band had their high time in the late 70's and fell shortly after, and I will never ever get to see them since obviously they can't get gigs in the States, or they hate the country. Though two of them live here...I waited a year for them to announce State dates and they never did. I just don't think about it anymore. Makes me sad/mad. Lol.

    Anyway! My friend saw AC/DC when they came to Chicago. I think it's her second time...maybe it was her first. I forget. She's the biggest AC/DC fan I know.
    May 7th, 2009 at 04:22am