My confession to an obsession. [Warning: Rant.] - Comments

  • PurpleStain

    PurpleStain (100)

    Neutral Zone
    I agree 100 % on this.
    As a person, whose English is a foreign language, I find it very hard to read your chat speak.
    At least I try to write correctly, even though my grammar and spelling are far from perfect, but that's how I learn - through writing and putting effort in it.
    And as a wannabe writer I like it when people correct me on my spelling and/or grammar, I mean, I don't always notice my mistakes myself.

    And as for paragraphs, yeah, they do make things easier to read, and I would like it if users here would start using them more, but I also don't blame some of them if they don't, because a lot of times I completely forget about them too, but usually I go back and correct the problem.
    May 27th, 2009 at 08:45pm
  • modern mariah.

    modern mariah. (100)

    United States
    I agree completely. What bugs me the most though is when people post journals complaining about people like us who constantly are correcting their bad grammar and punctuation. That is a big pet peeve of mine.

    It's like, well if you would use proper grammar in the first place we wouldn't have this issue in the first place.
    May 27th, 2009 at 04:39pm
  • ManiacalatMidnight

    ManiacalatMidnight (100)

    Nah man, you are no witch but rather you have voiced things people only think about.

    I understand you completely,people need to understand that no one is willing to read a journal or any form of text that is structured in one long ass paragraph.

    I also hate the message language where they shorten the words, do they not know that its bad for the vocabulary and bad for spelling?

    I support you in your rambling and its not mindless. ^__^
    May 27th, 2009 at 02:15pm