Whats your View on Marriage? - Comments

  • Yeah, I know, not everyone is unhappy when they get married but I guess I've just seen to many fail, to really believe in all this stuff.
    July 31st, 2009 at 11:46pm
  • Uhhh....not everyone who's married is unhappy. My parents have been married for twenty-seven years, and still going strong.

    I think if people are with the right person, and don't rush into anything unprepared, a marriage can work. I like to stay positive about true love; I know it's still out there, people have just stopped looking.
    May 30th, 2009 at 12:46am
  • I don't believe in marriage.
    Because I don't believe that love should be on a paper form for it to be true.
    I really wouldn't care if I was married or not, but if it was important to my partner, then why not? And, I think you have to be married if you want to adopt children where I live and I'm seriously considering(have been since I was 15) of adopting(later on in life)
    I'd probably only get married for the party, if my partner wanted to, and the dress code would be more casual or maybe funky.
    I'm not giving it a lot of thought, though.
    May 29th, 2009 at 10:33pm
  • I've seen a lot of marriages go wrong, actually, I've never known anyone's marriage to go very right, but I still have hope. I know what marriage was really created for and I am determined for mine to be that way.
    Marriage is a connection of the souls in my eyes, marriage was made for 2 people who loved each other dearly, with all their hearts, their minds and their souls and knew deep inside that they would never part. Marriage isn't about just feeling okay with having sex, it's about real true love and that's what most people don't understand. Marriage is a ceremony of God to me, and I would never look at it any other way.
    May 29th, 2009 at 10:21pm
  • Marriage is something to take seriously. You can't just go and marry a person if you've only known them for a year or two. Before I get married I'm going to have a long relationship, that way we both know we can unerstand each others short comings and can last even when we have huge fights.
    May 29th, 2009 at 09:41pm